摘 要:计算机的出现和不断发展使人们进入了一个新的时代——信息时代。在计算机应用日益广泛的今天,计算机技术存在于我们日常生活中的方方面面,其中一个计算机技术的应用就是多媒体教学课件。人们接受图像和声音的速度和记忆时间都要比纯文字更好,生动的讲解和简明的多媒体教学课件能让你的内容凸显,也会更让人集中和记忆,也可以提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效率。34495 毕业论文关键词:Flash;多媒体课件;课件的制作;
Design and Implementation of Multimedia Courseware Based on Flash
Abstract: The advent of the computer and development make people entered a new--information .In today computer applications increasingly widespread ,Computer technology exists in every aspect of our daily lives ,One of the application of computer technology is multimedia teaching courseware .People accept images and sound speed and memory time is better than pure text, Vivid explanation and concise lets you highlight the content of the multimedia teaching courseware ,Also will be more let a person concentration and memory, And can also improve the student learning interest and learning efficiency.
Key world: Flash; Multimedia Courseware; The Production of Courseware;
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