摘 要:随着信息技术的不断发展,将信息化、网络化技术应用于各行各业变得越来越重要。为了拓展实体书店的业务,借助Visual Studio .Net C#和SQL Server 设计了一个馨馨网上书店。实现了前台的会员注册、会员登录、新品上架、购物推车、支付方式和图书搜索,后台的管理员管理、商品类别管理、用户管理、公告管理、商品管理、订单管理。为用户提供一种高质量、更快捷、更方便的购书方式。38577 毕业论文关键词:网上书店;网络化;信息化;图书销售
Design and Implementation of Xinxin Online Bookstore
Abstract: With the development of information technology, it becomes more and more important to apply the information and internet technologies into various industries. To expand the business of physical bookstores, with the help of Visual Studio Net C# and SQL Server, I design a Xinxin Online Bookstore, which makes user’s register and login, updating the books, purchase, payment and search available in foreground and controller’s management as well as the management of the category of books, registers, announcement, commodities and orders available in background. So we can offer the users with a shopping mode that is of higher quality, more efficient and more convenient.
Key Words: Online Bookstore; Network; Information Technology; Book Sales
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