摘要:王牌飞行员是一款2D射击类型的手机游戏,此游戏使用cocos2d引擎,基于c++语言,使用xcode编写。以面向对象的编程思想实现了游戏中的各种功能,如游戏的开始与退出,背景音乐的开关,关卡的解锁与选择,战机的介绍及不同类型战机的模型与攻击方式的改变。界面简便易懂,通过按钮与文字引导提示玩家操作,是玩家休闲娱乐的理想选择。40414 毕业论文关键词:战机;cocos2d;射击
Design and implementation of ace which based on C++
Abstract: The ace is a 2D shoot type games, this game of mobile phone。It use cocos2d engine, based on c ++ language, use xcode write.It use Object-oriented programming ideas to achieve the game's various functions, such as start and exit of the game, change the presentation of the background music switch, level of unlock and choice and different types of fighter and attack aircraft of the model's. It's Interface is easy to understand, it through buttons and text guide the player operate.It is a nice choice for playe.
Key words : Fighter;Cocos2d;Shooting
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