摘要:挖财图书馆管理系统是为挖财图书馆设计的图书馆管理系统,系统采用的是ASP.NET+SQL 2008作为前后端的平台。本次对挖财图书馆的科研探究是基于B/S模式上的,是一种网上借阅与归还的实现。63465



毕业论文关键词:前端ASP.NET,图书馆系统,网上的借阅,SQL 2008


The design and implementation of the management system of the WaCai Library

Abstract: Wacai library management system is designed for the development of a library of online library management system, the system uses ASP.NET+SQL 2008 as a front and rear platform. The research on the digging of the library is based on the B/S model, is an online borrowing and return of the realization.

As the integration of all kinds of information at a library system now, the collection is very rich, so a large number of readers by customers, at the same time also involves all kinds of information management. In the past are different in the environment, even if some libraries are in the information management system, but the flying time is Internet plus time management system is still using the stand-alone or LAN version, apparently unable to meet the demand of the people. WaCai library management system and management system to gain valuable experience in the past compared to the traditional old library, and then the high-tech modern technology, the system appeared in the revised, which is close to life, close to the user, convenient staff, convenient reader.

The library WaCai system administrators and users of almost all of the information in the database loading and management query, let a person find everything fresh and new, friendly interface, simple operation, not only can realize the management of information, but also to create the performance of the program repeatedly so that the basic conditions for. Now the university library management system is also constantly update the convenient foot absolute advantage into our routine life, will be completely out of the traditional university library management system, improve work efficiency, reduce the circulation of books acquisitioning and cataloguing work before each department staff repeated work process, the error rate plummeted in less than 5%, and to let readers spend their time in the selection of books and reading newspapers. So we can have extra time to learn the specific information from a large amount of information obtained to control the key information. The key part of the development is pided into the background information database establishment and maintenance as well as the front-end computer application development. In the implementation of the database technology is very in-depth use and learning by the main is to optimize the bibliographic retrieval function, the reader information management, circulation management, book storage management, user experience maintenance, update the system maintenance and so on complicated and orderly system function. The running results of this system prove that the design of the library management system.

















