摘要:随着Internet技术的发展和普及,计算机化考试在许多方面将取代传统的基于纸笔的考试。本文提出了一个基于WEB的答题评卷系统,主要是为考试无纸化提供一套完整的解决方案,包括用自动/人工阅卷、成绩统计、成绩查询、信息发布、单元测试、综合模拟和考试等功能。系统的开发过程中主要应用VS2005、ASP.NET、SQL SEVER 2005等技术。
关键词:考试;成绩;VS2005;ASP.NET;SQL SEVER 2005
Designing and Achievement for System of Answering and Correcting
Abstract: With the development and popularization of Internet, the online exam will be replaced the traditional exam in many ways. This system provides a complete solution for the online exam; it includes automatic or handmade evaluation test papers, score statistics, score query, information publication, and unit test, and comprehensive simulation, test online .The main technology in the system includes VS2005, ASP.NET, and SQL SEVER 2005.
Key words: Test; Score; VS2005; ASP.NET; SQL SERVER2005
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