摘要 : 本文阐述了电子商务,尤其是网络购物发展的现状,并根据一小型企业实际需求提出了构建基于SSH(Struts + Spring + Hibernate)整合框架的电子商务系统的项目设计。深入研究了轻量级Java EE应用体系结构。对所选框架分别进行分析和研究。Struts是一个实现了MVC模式的经典的框架[1];Hibernate是轻量级Java EE应用的持久层解决方案,以面向对象的方式提供了持久化类到数据表之间的映射,是优秀的ORM框架[2];Spring为企业应用提供了轻量级的解决方案[3]:它的IOC容器,AOP思想,以它为核心,整合持久层框架和Web MVC框架。通过三个框架的整合,可以构建可扩展、可复用、可移植、可维护的软件系统!70736
毕业论文关键词:电子商务,Struts,Hibernate,Spring,Java EE,框架
Abstract : This paper gives a brief introduction on e-commerce,focusing on the current status and trends of online shopping in particular.An e-commerce system project proposal for a small garment enterprise,based on all integrated SSH(Struts + Spring + Hibernate)framework,is also provided.The proposal is followed by an in-depth study Oil the lightweight Java EE application architecture.Struts is a classical framework which implements the MVC model.Hibernate is a lightweight Java persistence framework,it performs powerful object relational mapping from persistence classes to database tables.Spring framework has all IOC container and provides Aspect-oriented programming,and it is the core in integrating with the persistence framework and the Web MVC framework.Through integrating the three frameworks,a scalable,reusable,easy to migrate and easy to maintain software system Can be built.
The onstage includes the main function of registration and logic,the view of products,personal information management,the shopping cart,my order form and the net pays.The backstage includes the main function of administrators information management,user’s information management,commodity management,classification of goods management.
Keywords:E-commerce,Struts,Hibernate,Spring,Java EE,framework
目 录
1 引言 5
2 开发工具简介 5
2.1 JAVA语言简介 6
2.2 Eclipse 开发平台简介 6
2.3 SQL语言简介与功能 6
2.4 程序开发环境 7
3 系统分析 7
3.1 系统设计目的 7
3.2 系统需求 7
3.3 功能需求 7
3.4 性能需求 9
4 数据库 9
4.1 数据库E-R图 9
4.2 数据库设计 10
4.3 数据库字典 11
5 系统设计 13
5.1 前台 13
5.2 后台 25
6 系统软件测试与调试