摘 要:近年来入室抢劫伤人案件频发,使得人们的人身财产受到严重威胁,所以如果能在不法分子入室前报警并立即通知户主就能够有效减少损失。本项目总任务是开发一个能通过手机布防,撤防和报警的便携式入侵报警系统。本项目主要完成了基于蓝牙和ZigBee的安防系统传感网的设计。通过在TI公司提供的Z-Stack平台上,新建自己任务,使得终端节点上的传感器收集的信息能够准确地发送给路由器节点最终汇聚到协调器节点。协调器节点再将信息通过蓝牙模块发送给安卓手机。从而安卓手机可以对信息进行判断是否应该报警。本安防系统传感网能够支持网络内节点情况检测,节点布防,节点撤防,节点掉网报警的功能。本文论述了设计开发基于蓝牙和ZigBee的安防系统传感网在Z-Stack平台上完整的实现方案。78988
毕业论文关键词:安防,蓝牙, ZigBee,Z-Stack
Abstract: In recent years, frequent cases of burglary assault, making it a serious threat to personal property。 So if we can before the criminals burglary alarm and immediately notify the head of the household will be able to take preventive measures to effectively reduce the loss of personal property。 The main purpose of the project is creating a Security System about setting protection module,canceling protection module and alarming module by android phones。 Now, I have accomplished the design of wireless sensor network of Security System based on ZigBee and Bluetooth。 Through the platform provided by TI Z-Stack, creating my own tasks,so that the sensors on the end-devices information collected can be accurately transmitted to the router devices eventually converge to the coordinator devices。 The coordinator send information to android phones via Bluetooth module。 By gathered information, android phones decide whether should be alert。 The wireless sensor network of Security System can support check the situation of devices, set devices protection, set devices free and notify the lost connection of devices。 This article discusses the design and development based on ZigBee wireless sensor network and Bluetooth of Security System on the Z-Stack platform of full implementation。
Keywords: Security and Protection, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-Stack
1.引言 4
1。1背景介绍 4
1。2项目需求 4
1。3系统概要设计 4
2。 硬件设计 5
2。1 ZigBee最小模块设计 5
2。2 CC2530单片机串口设计 6
2。3 人体红外传感器接口设计 7
2。4协调器与蓝牙模块接口设计 7
2。4。1 蓝牙模块HC-05 7
2。4。2 HC-05的与MCU的连接 8
2。4。3 HC-05的配置 8
2。4。4 蓝牙模块与协调器的连接 9
3。 软件设计 9
3。1 ZigBee组网软件设计 9
3。1。1 开发环境与消息传输协议 9
3。1。2 Z-Stack移植与新建自己的任务 12
3。1。3 协调器节点设计 17
3。1。4 终端节点设计 20
3。2 安卓手机客户端软件设计