Abstract: With the rapid development of computer technology, the use of online voting system is becoming more and more popular。 This paper mainly introduces the design and development process of online voting system。 The main role of the system are: the system administrator, ordinary users。 System administrator module can be added to the new voting, view the voting results, maintenance and other functions; the general user module can be carried out to vote, view the voting results and other functions。 In front of the system using JSP as a development language, the background using MySQL as a database management system, development environment is the eclipse, the server uses tomcat, developed a based on Web technology of B / S structure of the online voting system。
Keywords: Online voting, database system, JSP, B / S structure
1 绪论 4
1。1课题背景 4
1。2目的和意义 4
1。3开发工具及技术 4
1。4软硬件需求 6
2 需求分析 6
2。1需求调研 6
2。2可行性分析 7
2。3系统用户用例图 8
2。4功能模块需求分析 9
2。5设计的基本思想 10
2。6性能需求 10
2。7界面需求 11
3数据库的分析与设计 11
4 系统功能实现 18
4。1系统登陆页面实现 18
4。2管理员功能模块 20
4。3普通用户功能模块 31
4。4投票情况的统计 32
4。5投放目标定位 33
5 系统测试 34
5。1系统测试目的与意义 34
5。2测试过程 34
5。3其他错误 35
结 论 36
参考文献 37
致 谢 38
1 绪论