摘要Android 是 Google 公司开发的基于 Linux 内核的开源手机操作系统, 安卓系统 的开源性使其被智能手机广泛采用,这也使得智能手机得到了迅速普及。随着智能手 机的快速普及,各种手机软件层出不穷,手机服务已经被越来越广泛的重视和应用。 目前,高校课堂仍是以人工点名的方式完成签到,但是当学生人数较为庞大,人工点 名极为浪费时间并导致效率不高。为了节约课堂时间、提高效率和快速对学生的课堂 签到信息进行统计管理,有必要开发并设计一个方便快捷的 Android 签到系统,并利 用该软件有效帮助教师进行签到管理。83299
本文正是基于 Android 的手机签到管理系统,该系统服务器端借用腾讯云进行部 署,服务器端的数据管理通过 JSP 实现。客户端以 Eclipse 作为开发工具,并结合带 有 ADT 的 SDK 插件进行 Android 开发,利用 MySQL 进行数据库管理,采用 MVC 的设计模式,构建 C/S 架构模式的系统。整个设计过程中首先对系统进行需求分析, 然后给出软件系统的总体框架和详细设计流程。 本系统最终解决师生账号登录、签 到记录与查看和课堂请假的功能,经过开发与调试,软件能够满足用户需求。
Abstract Android is an open source mobile operating system based on Linux kernel, which is developed by Google。 Android operating system has been widely used in smart phones because of its open-source feature, which makes smart phones has been rapidly growing popularity。 With the rapid proliferation of smart phones, various mobile phone Apps have been designed, and the mobile phone services have been highly regarded。 Currently, the university still adopts the roll call to complete the students’ attendance check, but when there are large numbers of students, the traditional check must consume more time and can lead to inefficiency。 In order to save time, improve efficiency and manage the students’ attendanc information effectively, it is necessary to develop and design a convenient Android attendance system, which can be used to assisit the lectures manage the sign-in check。
This article describes how to implement an attendance system based on Android phone。 For the server side, it is deployed based on Tencent cloud server, and the server-side data is managed by JSP。 For the client side, Eclipse is used as a development tool, combining with the ADT plugin of Android SDK and MySQL database。 Meanwhile, the MVC design pattern is utilized to build C / S system architecture model。 The whole design process includes the system requirement analysis, feasibility analysis, the overall framework of the software system analysis and design details。 According to the above process, this system can resolve the main problems, like login by teachers and students, attendance implementation and leaving records check。 After the design and debugging, this software system can satisfy users’ requirements。
目 录
第一章绪论 1
1。1 选题背景 1
1。2研究意义 1
1。3国内研究现状 2
1。4课题主要研究内容 2
1。5本文结构 3
第二章开发环境与技术介绍 4
2。1Android 介绍 4
2。1。1Android 系统框架 4
2。1。2Android 应用程序 5
2。1。3Android 编程语言