引信空中自毁安全高度是指不危及地面设施和人员安全的条件下距离地面的最低高度。引信空炸或自毁时间上限会涉及弹丸战斗部安全高度这一概念。目前确定安全高度一般都是以弹丸战斗部静爆时测得的破片有效杀伤半径为依据,要求引信安全高度为战斗部杀伤半径的 6~8倍,而具体为多少并没有统一规定。利用爆炸力学建立模型、ANSYS/LS-DYNA 仿真然后结合外弹道经验公式及破片在空中的飞行过程对破片的安全高度进行研究。对目前弹丸战斗部破片的理论研究作了系统的归纳总结,利用 MATLAB 编程得到了弹丸破片的质量与数量分布规律。结合破片飞行中速度衰减规律及现存的各种杀伤判据,提出了弹丸战斗部安全高度的计算方法,并以 37 mm 某型弹丸为例详细介绍了安全高度的计算过程.利用上述的研究方法得到了37 mm 和57 mm两种不同破片类型弹的安全高度。其中37 mm 某型自然破片弹的安全高度为 196 m,其预制球形破片弹的安全高度为497 m,预制方形破片弹的安全高度为 261 m;57 mm 某型自然破片弹的安全高度为300 m,其预制球形破片弹的安全高度为 632 m,预制方形破片弹的安全高度为518 m。与自然破片弹相比,预制球形弹的安全高度约为自然破片弹的 2倍,预制方形破片弹的安全高度约为自然破片弹的 1.5 倍。利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA仿真软件,以弹丸战斗部作为研究对象,建立了 37 mm 和57 mm 两种某型弹丸静爆模型,通过LS-Pre Post观察爆炸过程并得到破片速度曲线,进行了破片初速的仿真验证。  59539 
毕业论文关键词  引信技术  安全高度  动力学仿真  弹道计算  破片速度  杀伤半径     
Title  Study on Safe Height of Fuze Destructed in air         
Abstract Safe  height  is  the minimum height from the ground  that  not to endanger the safety of ground facilities and personnel conditions. Air-burst fuze or self-destruct maximum time limit will involve this concept of projectile warhead safe  height.  At present, to determine the safe height is generally based on effective kill radius of the fragments measured under static burst of projectile warhead  .It  requires  that the fuze safe height is  6 to 8 times bigger than kill radius, but specific data is no uniform requirement.  Studied on safe  height of fragment  through modeling by explosion  mechanics  and the ANSYS /LS-DYNA simulation  then combined with external trajectory empirical formula  and the process of fragment flying in air. Made  a systematic summarize on the theoretical knowledge of projectile warhead fragments, and got tiny fragment distribution regularity of quantity and quality by using MATLAB programming. Combining  fragment  velocity attenuation regularity in flight  with  the various existing  lethality criterion, made a research on the calculation of projectile warhead safe height, and introduced the safe height calculation process as a case study of 37 mm projectile.  Using the  research methods  mentioned above  to get  safe height of  37 mm and 57 mm  that is  two different fragment types.  Among them the safe height of 37 mm natural fragment projectile is 196 meters, the safe height of 37 mm prefabricated spherical fragment projectile is 497 meters, and the safe height of 37 mm prefabricated square fragment projectile is 261 meters; the safe height of 57 mm natural fragment projectile is 300 meters, the safe height of 57 mm prefabricated spherical fragment projectile is  632  meters, and the  safe height of 57 mm prefabricated square fragment projectile is 518 meters. Compared with natural fragment, the safe height of prefabricated spherical fragment projectile  is about 2 times  that of  natural  fragment projectile, the safe height  of  prefabricated square  fragment projectile  is about  1.5  times  that of natural fragment projectile. Finally, using ANSYS / LS-DYNA software, taking projectile warhead as the research object, established two static projectile burst projectile models of 37mm and 57mm projectile, observed the explosion process using the LS-Pre Post and getting the fragment velocity curve, checking the simulation of fragment initial velocity. 
















