
毕业论文关键词: 3D打印技术;曲奇3D打印机;3D打印机机械结构;曲奇的特性;FDM熔融沉积成型。

Cookies 3D printer structure and process optimization research and development

Abstract: 3D printing technology, that is, we often say that the 3D printing technology, is now surprising, it is a new technology project, its origin is the beginning of the establishment of the digital model, the material selection of easy to dissolve Solid or small particles, layered print to complete the establishment of the object. So any of the shapes we want in our minds can be done through the computer side, and we can shorten the time required to make the product and ensure a high-efficiency operation at low cost. , Without the use of any mechanical processing or machine grinding or even mold production. The cookie 3D printer will be a new kind of debugging in the food 3D printer, and it is also a new material to try, the cookie 3D printer is similar to the chocolate printer running, after scanning, stratifying, forming and other processes based on the work of the 3D printer the way. The contents of this article mainly for the external structure of the cookie printer, mechanical internal structure, the installation of circuit wires to build, the software identification and conversion format part, there are features of the song, the internal structure of the mechanical part of the motor to understand the drive As well as the structural characteristics of the control, the design of the machine tool, the breakthrough of the print head, the improvement of the structural design of the extruded part, and a complete cookie-making machine with cookies; the structural requirements To facilitate the carrying, refined, reflecting a strong sense of science and technology and freshness, to get the public like and sure; installation of the circuit to build part of the need to understand how to effectively manage the control of the motherboard, and try to install to the cookie 3D printer To ensure that its independent and effective operation. In addition to this is the characteristics of lost cookies to study, on the cookie type, melting temperature, molding baking temperature ratio and the price of data collection. So, to analyze the popular 3D printers on the market, compare the mechanical structure of the difference and compare the pros and cons, and according to their own situation and characteristics of cookies modified to retain the structure of the advantages of the printer, and then refined to the details, to abandon the lack of printer As well as shortcomings, and then develop a new set of programs, the use of design software (CAD, UG, etc.) for virtual design to complete the host computer assistance, and then through the software simulation function to verify the feasibility of the program. Finally, select the parts of the material and model comparison and selection, to complete the new cookie 3D printer research and development.

















