(1) analysis of the physical and chemical properties of the large flow relief valve working conditions and the characteristics of working medium emulsion requirements, for different elastic element (spring type, pneumatic), different forms of structure (predecessor, differential and direct agents), based on the study of different types of safety valve structure on its performance。 According to the rated flow of the design of the large flow relief valve and the pressure of work, determine to enter the type of slide valve structure, the valve core structure design for the first time to use oil discharge hole trajectory。 

(2) by using fluent software, four kinds of safety valve valve core structure of the static pressure, dynamic pressure and velocity of 3 d simulation analysis。 Through comparison and analysis under the condition of the same oil discharge hole shape of the different oil unloading hole area, the area of the oil discharge hole size, the flow of the fluid in the body has a close relationship with the size of the speed and pressure changes, the smallest negative pressure and flow rate of fluid in the flow speed reduces oil discharge hole area increases gradually。 Combined with the simulation results, determine the solution 4 track unloading valve core capability is strong, affect the valve channel under the condition of fluid velocity and low negative pressure, the best comprehensive performance。 

(3) the relief valve core structure of four different impact performance, through the experiment scheme 4 best relief valve discharge flow and stability, and the simulation results are consistent; In nominal flow experiments at the same time, small open overflow shut flow experiment and high and low pressure seal, open the overflow close conclusion shows that four of the relief valve designs from every level, that fully meet the requirements of national standard GB25974。3-2010 has the best safety performance and reliability。 

Involved in the large flow relief valve, this paper developed a new system of experimental design, can achieve the function of the relief valve design and reliable quality, established stents with large flow relief valve design theory and experimental methods, for the design of the large flow relief valve, and provides a good technical support and performance monitoring programme。 

Key words: safety valve; Large flow;hydraulic support 

目  录

摘  要 IV


目  录 VII

图清单 VIII

表清单 X

变量注释表 XI

1 绪论 1

1。1 课题背景及研究意义 1

1。2 安全阀在液压支架中的应用 3

1。3 大流量安全阀设计研究进展 5

1。4 大流量安全阀实验研究进展 5

1。5 存在问题及发展趋势 9

1。6 研究目标及内容 10

2 大流量安全阀特性分析与参数设计 12

2。1 引言 12

2。2 高水基流体介质特性 12

2。3 大流量安全阀工况特征 13

2。4 大流量安全阀结构特征 14

2。5 大流量安全阀结构参数设计 18

2。6 本章小结 23

3 大流量安全阀流场仿真分析

















