关键词: 自动化;PLC;高效
The Design of the plastic parts of the pneumatic transmission system
Abstract:With the continuous development of modern industry and the continuous improvement of labor costs, the degree of automation is becoming more and more obvious。The design of the plastic parts of the pneumatic transmission system can running without manual intervention after debugging。The automatic transmission system of plastic parts can be pided into two parts, the sorting of plastic cover and the grabbing part of plastic cover。The part of grabbing use PLC and pneumatic element to control。The principle of the whole system is simple, high efficiency and no pollution。After the screening and finishing, the plastic cover have the same towards , and a single array output, and then through the cylinder and the suction cup to grab and move。
The graduation project is pided into the overall system design, data calculation and motor selection, calculation and selection of parts and parts of the drawings, assembly drawings and other parts。 Using SolidWorks to set up model parts。 Write PLC program to control pneumatic components and transmission system。
KeyWords:automation; PLC; efficiency
目 录
1 前言 1
1。1 课题的意义和目的 1
1。2 课题的主要任务 1
1。3 课题现状 1
2 塑料零件整理部分设计 2
2。1塑料零件整理部分方案拟定 2
2。2 整理部分主体设计 3
2。2。1 主体支撑杆设计 4
2。3主动轴部分设计 5
2。3。1提升部分的倾角计算 6
2。3。2零件的计算和选择 6
2。4主动轴的设计 8
2。4。1轴的校核 9
2。4轴上零件的安装和定位 10
2。5料箱的设计 11
2。6塑料零件盖整理部分上半部分滑槽的设计 12
2。7从动轴及张紧部分设计 13
2。8 整理部分的总装 15
3传输部分设计 16
3。1 传输部分方案拟定 16
3。1。1 传输部分方案一 16
3。1。2 传输部分方案二 18