Then, we check the hydraulic system。 Including the pressure loss calculation of the system, and the system of the hydraulic oil temperature rise calculation and efficiency calculation of the system, and determines the design of hydraulic pump station meet the design requirements。
Finally, this paper introduced the design and type selection of auxiliary devices。 According to the size of the required flow rate of control system and reference mechanical design book about the size of the fuel tank of hydraulic pump station , according to company product experience to select the oil filter, cooler, etc。Finally assembles in three-dimensional figure, complete 3d model of hydraulic pump station。 And completed the hydraulic piping layout, and then according to the flow rate in pumping station and combined with the company methods, introduce the cleaning method of pump station and calculate the corresponding the dosage of alkali。
Keywords:towing winch;hydraulic; pump
第一章绪论 1
1。1 选题的目的和意义 1
1。3 本文的研究内容 3
第二章 拖缆机液压泵站的总体设计 4
2。1液压泵站的介绍 4
2。2 液压泵站的建模 4
2。3液压泵站的工况分析 5
2。3。1第一负载的工况分析 5
2。3。2 卷筒第二负载的工况分析 7
2。4 本章小结 9
第三章 液压系统的详细设计 10
3。1 液压系统概述 10
3。2 设计液压系统方案 10
3。3液压系统图 11
3。4系统工作原理 11
3。5液压能源装置设计 12
3。5。1液压泵的计算及选择 12
确定液压泵的最大工作压力Pp 12
确定液压泵的流量Qp 13
选择液压泵的规格 13
3。5。2 确定液压泵的驱动功率 14
3。6液压介质的选择 15
3。7液压阀类元件的选择 15
3。7。1溢流阀 15
3。7。2单向阀 15
3。7。3球阀 16
3。7。4三位四通阀 16
3。7。5顺序阀(平衡阀) 16
3。7。6压力表 16
3。8油箱的设计 17
3。8。1油箱的体积 17
3。8。2放油塞、清洗口、通气孔、注油口、挡油板的设计 17
3。8。3吊耳的设计 18
3。8。4管路的配置 18
3。8。5孔的密封设计 18
3。9液压集成阀块的设计 19