    关键词  创业板    投资价值   市盈率区间
    Title  Our GEM Investment Value Analysis ----  Based on       
    price-earnings perspective                              
    During the last five years , whether the number of listed companies on GEM or market capitalization all have a explosive growth. However, compared with the successful GEM market in the world, China's GEM still has many problems. This article first theories and researches on China's stock market PE ratio as a starting point, and then describes the meaning of the GEM and the analysis of NASDAQ and the New German market. And then study  the causes of the American success of GEM and  why Germany failed to provide reference for our Department of GEM. Then mainly through market data, research the current status quo of China's GEM, analyze its investment value. Through Main Board and GEM from abroad, first come at a reasonable PE ratio of our motherboard market after the transition period, and then come to a reasonable range of GEM investment by analogy and assumptions.
    Keywords     GEM    investment value     PE band
    目   次
    1 续论•5
    1.1  研究背景与意义    5
    1.1.1  选题背景    5
    1.2  研究方法、思路与内容    5
    1.3  论文结构    6
    2.1  国内文献综述    7
    2.2  国外文献综述    8
    2.3  对已有研究的评述    9
    3 创业板的界定及创业板市场发展分析11
    3.1  创业板的界定    11
    3.1.1 创业板的概念及功能    11
    3.1.2创业板对主板市场的影响    12
    3.2  创业板市场发展分析    13
    3.2.1  美国纳斯达克市场    13
    3.2.2  德国创业板市场    14
    4  我国创业板市场价值及合理市盈率分析•16
    4.1  我国创业板投资价值分析    16
    4.1.1我国创业板市场特点    16
    4.1.2 我国创业板市场现状    17
    4.2  我国创业板市场的合理市盈率分析    19
    4.2.1市盈率的相关理论及数据推倒    19
    4.2.2  我国主板市场合理市盈率分析    20
    4.2.3  我国创业板市场合理市盈率分析    23
    5  我国创业板市场发展的政策性建议•25
    5.1  监管者角度    25
    5.2  投资者角度    26
    致  谢28
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景与意义
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