    关键词  企业社会责任  共生战略  绩效评价  利益相关者
    Title      Study on symbiotic strategic performance  measurement of chemical enterprise                                                 
    With the rapid development of our economy and the increasingly fierce market competition, more and more enterprises put the CSR into the enterprise performance evaluation system for enterprise development. At the same time, the symbiotic theory of biology has been rapid development in recent years. People's creative applied the symbiosis theory to Economics and Management science.They thought that the enterprise should live in harmony with its stakeholders and the surrounding environment, and mutually beneficial cooperative symbiosis.
    Firstly, the thesis review the following concepts, the business enterprise performance evaluation mode, symbiosis theory and the CSR related theories.Then the thesis analyses the status of China's Chemical industry enterprises. Chemical enterprises are mostly belongs to the energy consumption enterprises. They waste a lot of energy every year . At the same time, because of the damage to the surrounding environment is more serious, it is very necessary to establish the chemical enterprise symbiosis strategy performance evaluation system. This paper try to base on the symbiosis strategy performance theory in the enterprise, construction of the enterprise symbiosis strategy performance index system,and analyses the case of the representative enterprise.
    Keywords  CSR symbiotic strategy  performance evaluation  stakeholder
    目   次
    1  引言• 1
    2  相关文献回顾及评述• 2
    2.1  企业绩效评价模式的发展• 2
    2.2  共生理论的发展• 4
    2.3  企业社会责任的发展• 6
    3  我国化工行业现状及问题分析• 9
    3.1  我国化工行业概述• 9
    3.2  我国化工行业问题分析• 10
    3.2.1  能源利用率不高• 10
    3.2.2  环境污染严重• 10
    3.2.3  安全事故频发• 10
    3.3  我国化工行业现有绩效评价体系问题分析• 11
    3.3.1  没有考虑化工企业的行业特点• 11
    3.3.2  没有考虑环境污染的影响• 11
    3.3.3  没有考虑非财务指标的影响• 11
    3.3.4  没有考虑能源利用率问题• 12
    3.3.5  没有考虑安全事故的发生• 12
    4  我国化工企业共生战略绩效传导机理分析• 13
    4.1  经营绩效对财务绩效的驱动作用• 13
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