    Corporate finance problems research based on the capital market——the perspective of small and medium-sized enterprises

    Abstract: For over 30 years of reform and opening-up, the country's economic level has the rapid ascension. In market economy as the main body of socialist characteristic economy, small and medium-sized enterprises has became a part of indispensable economic of our country's economy, but financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprise always is a social and economic problems which cannot be ignored. This article from the definition of small business financing basic present situation, the financing channels, financing decisions, combined with the actual case, revealed in the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises including the government, financial institutions, as well as the enterprise itself defects caused by the reason of financing difficulties. And from set out actually, objectively put forward the response to small and medium-sized enterprise credit ability is low, the government should perfect corresponding supporting system; Financial institutions should be more efficient to provide credit support, strengthen financial innovation, and small and medium-sized enterprises in their control financing risks, strengthen internal control scheme. On foreign financing model, in some of the more dialectically puts forward to draw lessons from western advanced financing mode, and proceeding from China's national conditions, combined with the actual, thoroughly solve financing difficult question.
    Keywords: medium-sized and small enterprises;capital market;financing mode
    目 录
    三、中小民营企业融资难的成因分析  6
    (一)国外企业融资现状  8
    致  谢11
    绪  论
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