    关键词:工业企业; 煤炭企业; 纳税筹划; 增值税
    Industrial Enterprise Tax Planning
    Abstract:With China's economic development, all the enterprises have to face to the problem of tax planning . China's industrial enterprises are facing increasingly complex and changing tax regulations, as well as the cost competitive pressures all over the world, so it has begun to gradually learn the practical tax planning methods from the West  in the guidance of government and foreign-invested enterprises. Both theory and practical application of tax planning started late and developed slowly in China. It is at a low level. Combined with the tax revenue of China's industrial enterprises occupying a large proportion of state revenue and local government revenue, under the dual pressures of national and local governments, industrial enterprises are facing a heavy tax burden. In addition, the transformation of value-added tax in 2009 forces modern industrial enterprises to think seriously about tax planning and thus preserve the entitlement of earnings. In this paper, from the aspect of the burden on the enterprise value-added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax, and the opportunities and challenges in changing tax regulation, analysis of the present situation and problems faced by the industrial enterprises and applies the tax planning theory into reality on the basis of research on shanxifengtai coal Corporation, in the same time, explores the future of the high tax burden of the coal enterprises and makes practical,flexible and constructive tax planning programs.
    Key words: industrial enterprises; coal enterprises; tax planning; value added tax
    目  录
    绪 论    1
    一、工业企业纳税筹划的概述    2
    (一)纳税筹划概述以及其与偷税的区别    2
    (二)纳税筹划存在的必然性    2
    1、税法规定的纳税人的可变性    2
    2、存在不同级别的税率    2
    3、全额累进税率临界点的突变型    3
    4、起征点的存在也是纳税筹划的重要原因    3
    5、各种减免税的存在以及课税对象金额调整性都为纳税筹划的诞生铺就了温床    3
    (三)纳税筹划的策略    3
    1、初级策略:尽量减少额外税负    3
    2、中级策略:精简税款    3
    3、高级纳税筹划:争取有利的税收政策    3
    (四)税收筹划的总体思路    4
    1、税收筹划的着眼点    4
    2、税收筹划的前期准备工作    4
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