    摘要: 市场经济的发展逐步扩大,社会审计的范围在随之增加,这无疑会造成人们对审计的期望越来越高,从而导致了审计职业的责任也变的越来越大。审计从形成以来,在社会经济生活中就开始发挥着不可替代的重要作用。但是,审计风险又是可以通过研究审计理论、提高审计质量来控制的,从而把风险降低至可以接受的水平的,而研究审计风险的防范与控制正是出于减少审计风险提高审计质量的目的。本论文就是通过对审计风险的研究来探索控制风险的途径与方法,提高人们对于审计这个行业的重视程度并且对预防审计风险的重要性有一个更清晰的了解。本文共分五个部分:第一部分是介绍审计风险的概念;第二部分分析我国国内审计的现状;第三部分从客观和主观两个方面详细描述了审计风险形成的原因;第四部分是防范和控制审计风险的对策和措施。30007
    毕业论文关键词: 审计风险;审计环境;审计监督;审计质量
    On prevention and control of audit risk
    Abstract: The scope of social audit increases with the development of market economy, which will undoubtedly cause the expectation from people to audit become higher and higher, thus ,lead to the responsibility of the profession audit become bigger and bigger. Since the formation of the audit,it began to play an important and irreplaceable role in social and economical life. However, the audit risk can be controlled by researching the audit theory and improving the quality of audit, thus reducing the risk to an acceptable level. Researching the prevention and control of audit risk is for the purpose of decreasing the risk of audit and improving the quality of audit. This paper is the study of ways and means of audit risk by researching the audit risk, to raise awareness of the importance of the audit profession and to have a clearer understanding of the importance of the prevention of audit risk. This paper is pided into five parts: The first part introduces the concept of audit risk, and the second part analyzes the current situation of domestic audit, and the third part describes the reasons for the formation of audit risk from both objective and subjective in details, and the fourth is the ways and measures to prevent and control the audit risk.
    Keywords: audit risk; audit environment; audit oversight; audit quality
    目  录
    序言    1
    一、 审计风险概述    1
    (一) 审计风险的概念    1
    (二) 审计风险的特征    2
    二、我国目前审计现状    3
    (一) 国内事务所发展速度增快,迅速追赶“四大”在国内的合作所    3
    (二) 审计市场竞争由于国际化程度高越高而愈加激烈    4
    (三) 事务所的收入结构不完善    4
    (四) 审计独立性依然不高    5
    三、审计风险成因分析    6
    (一) 审计人员业务水平和道德素质有待提高    6
    (二) 审计组织内部控制制度不完善    6
    (三) 审计方法存在缺陷和不足    7
    (四) 法律法规不健全    7
    (五) 审计环境趋于复杂    8
    四、审计风险的控制    8
    (一) 健全法律法规    8
    (二) 完善审计体制    9
    (三) 抓好审计质量的标准控制    9
    (四) 加强审计监督    9
    (五) 提高审计人员的专业素质    9
    (优尔) 保障审计风险的独立性    10
    五、结论    10
    致  谢    11
    参考文献    12
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