    毕业论文关键词: 钢铁企业;环境成本;环境成本核算
    Study on the environmental cost accounting of iron and steel enterprise in China
    Abstract: the rapid development of China's economy, followed by the environmental problems have become increasingly prominent, the premise of how to maintain the economic development effectively Protect environment has been crunch time task. Proof of the practice of other countries, the economic means play an important role in environmental protection, environmental accounting as an economic means a more and more people pay attention to, so the related research has already become one of the hot issues in accounting. Environment cost is the basic problem of environmental accounting. Therefore, the research on environment cost is the basis of the study of the environment accounting.
    Firstly the purpose and significance of the study on environmental cost do in the, and then illustrates the current situation of iron and steel enterprise environment cost accounting, and found the existing problems, at the same time, given the environmental cost accounting measures. Hope that these studies can give an enterprise to bring a certain feeling place, in the future production and management weaknesses, try to realize the maximization of their own interests at the same time is not damaged our survival environment.
    Keywords: Iron and steel enterprise; Environmental cost;Environmental cost   accounting
    绪论    1
    一、 环境成本研究的目的和意义    2
    (一) 环境成本核算的目的和意义    2
     (二)  环境成本核算相关概念介绍    3
    二、 我国钢铁企业环境成本核算的现状    4
    (一) 钢铁企业成本核算的基本介绍    4
    (二) 现行成本核算方式下环境成本的处理    4
    三、 我国钢铁企业环境成本核算存在的问题    5
    (一) 环境成本的确认不全面    5
    (二) 环境成本计量不准确    5
    (三) 环境成本分配不合理    5
    (四) 环境成本会计处理不科学    5
    (五) 环境成本信息披露不充分    6
    四、 我国钢铁企业环境成本核算的对策    7
    (一) 深化对环境成本的认识,树立正确的成本效益观    7
    (二) 完善钢铁企业进行环境成本核算的动力机制    7
    (三) 建立现代企业环境成本管理模式    8
    (四) 更新并提高会计人员素质    9
    (五) 增强企业管理者与社会公众的环保意识    9
    五、 钢铁企业环境成本核算案例    10
    (一) 公司生产经营状况    10
    (二) 环境成本的定义及构成    10
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