    毕业论文关键词:会计舞弊   上市公司   舞弊手段  
     The Formation and Governance of Accounting Fraud
    ——From the Perspective of Listed Companies
    Abstract: The stock market which is an important way to allocate resources can promote the economic development significantly ,so it has become the focus of public concern in my country. However, in recent three decades, there are enormous accounting fraud in the listed companies of my countries, affecting the stabilization of the stock market seriously and many people are worried about this. In order to help control this problem, the paper do some researches on the the formation and governance of accounting fraud, from the perspective of listed companies. Firstly, the paper elaborates accounting fraud, and then analyzes the status quo of China's listed companies ' accounting fraud and the main means of China's listed companies' accounting fraud. Finally, the paper uses risk of fraud factor theory to explain the reasons for the company's accounting fraud of the listed companies in my country and puts forward a number of  harnessing suggestions.
    Key Words:accounting fraud,  listed companies,  means
    一、引言    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究意义    1
    (三)研究方法及思路    1
    (四)创新点    2
    二、会计舞弊的理论概述    2
    (一)会计舞弊的定义    2
    (二)会计舞弊的特点    2
    (三)会计舞弊原因的主要理论分析    3
    三、我国上市公司的会计舞弊现状及特点    5
    (一)我国上市公司会计舞弊表现    5
    (二)我国上市公司会计舞弊特点概述    8
    四、我国上市公司会计舞弊主要手段分析    10
    (一)虚增资产    10
    (二)变更资产性质    12
    (三) 少计负债    12
    (四)虚增利润    13
    (五)少计利润    14
    (优尔)收入性质发生改变    14
    (七)在财务报告中隐瞒重大事项    14
    五、我国上市公司会计舞弊的原因分析    15
    (一)内部控制制度不完善    15
    (二)会计师事务所审计独立性差    16
    (三)集体性会计舞弊行为不易暴露    16
    (四)经济惩罚力度不够大    16
    (五)舞弊者职业道德水平较低    16
    (优尔)多样性的会计舞弊动机    17
    优尔、我国上市公司的会计舞弊治理建议    17
    (一)加强会计舞弊理论研究,强化监管部门查账能力    17
    (二)完善会计法处罚细则,加大对舞弊者的处罚力度    17
    (三)完善内部监督机制    18
    (四) 提高会计师事务所的审计独立性    18
    (五)提高职业道德水平,弘扬诚信文化    18
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