    摘  要:内部控制作为管理企业的重要工具之一,一直得到会计界和企业界人士的极大关注。随着以计算机网路为代表的信息技术迅猛发展, 当今社会已经进入了一个全新的数字化时代,更多的数据凭借计算机网络的方式传输和处理,这一切都使企业信息处理的运作环境和运行方式发生了巨大的变化。信息化技术给会计工作带来便捷的同时,也使会计信息系统成为提高企业管理效果和效率的有效工具,相对应的企业内部控制也增加了新的工作内容和控制措施。内部控制在会计信息化的环境下从范围到方式都发生了根本性的变化,我们的企业也应顺应时代的潮流,适时地改变内部控制的具体实施措施。本文以会计信息化与内部控制之间的关系出发,探讨会计信息化下内部控制的现状,分析会计信息化下企业内部控制存在的问题,并有针对性的提出解决方案。38601
    Research on the problems of the internal control based on the accounting information system
    ABSTRACT: Internal control as an important tool for managing enterprise has been the accounting profession and the business people of great concern. Along with the computer network as represented by the rapid development of information technology in today's society has entered a new digital age, to accelerate the pace of industrial information, more data by virtue of the way the computer network transmission and processing, all of the enterprise information processing environment and the operation mode of operation has undergone tremendous changes. Information technology brings convenience to the accounting work, but also to improve the accounting information system to become effective and efficient business management and effective tool. This makes the internal control corresponding to the new work has also increased the content and control measures. Internal control of accounting information in the environment to the way from the scope of fundamental changes have taken place, our business trend of the times should also be timely to change the concrete implementation of internal control measures. This article begins with the relation of accounting information system and internal control. Discussion on the current situation of internal control of accounting information. Analysis of accounting information of enterprise internal control problems and put forward the solutions.
    Key words: Accounting Information System;Internal control; Countermeasures
    目  录
    一、引言    1
    二、会计信息化与企业内部控制的关系    2
    (一)会计信息化对企业内部控制的影响    2
    1、会计信息化给企业内部控制提供更多机会    2
    2、会计信息化下企业内部控制面临的困难    2
    (二)内部控制对会计信息化的反作用    3
    1、内部控制导致会计信息化不确定性加大    3
    2、内部控制导致会计信息化存在缺位问题    3
    3、内部控制使会计信息化实施的外部条件还有待优化    4
    三、会计信息化环境下的企业内部控制现状    5
    四、会计信息化系统下企业内部控制所面临的问题    6
    (一)信息化基础管理工作薄弱,制度建设不健全    6
    (二)信息化环境下会使错误重复发生并无限放大    6
    (三)信息化环境下难以明确各岗位之间的权限    6
    (四)信息化环境下数据的保密性与安全性差    7
    (五)网络环境的开放性使内部控制的难度加大    7
    五、针对会计信息化下内部控制存在的问题而提出的对策与措施    8
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