    Effect of Operation on Borrowings on Company Values   ----A Case Study of Real Estate Industry
    Abstract: Operation on borrowings is a double-edged sword for enterprises. Enterprises can expand their business through borrowings for achieving excess profit. It can reduce the comprehensive cost of capital and remain the control power of enterprises. However, it is because of liabilities, it increases the risk for enterprise management, reduces the wealth of shareholders and seriously bring counteractive to financial leverage, and even may lead to the bankruptcy of enterprises. In terms of company values, different industries, even different companies in the same industry may be affected differently by liabilities.
    In the paper, real estate industry is taken as tine major research object. In the beginning of the paper, it briefly introduced the research background and the writing ideas, and induction and deduction method and experimental analysis are used in the paper. In the second part, it narrated some theoretical information about liabilities and enterprise values and briefly illustrated the characteristics of real estate industry. The third part is the focus of the paper, 52 representative listed companies are selected as the research samples of the study. The annual reports from 2012 to 2014 of these companies are collected, taking Tobin’s Q as the explanatory variables, while asset-liability ratio, current-debt ratio, the proportion of bank loan financing, and the shareholding proportion of the largest shareholders are regarded as the explained variables in the experimental study on the effect of liability of listed company on the enterprise value. Excel is used to analyze data while SPSS software is used to make relevant studies. The findings of the study are: firstly, the asset-liability ratio of listed real estate enterprises is negative correlated with the enterprise value; secondly, the current-debt ratio of listed real estate enterprises is negative correlated with enterprise value; thirdly, the shareholding proportion of the largest shareholders of listed real estate enterprises is no significant influences to enterprise value; fourthly, the shareholding proportion of the largest shareholders of listed real estate enterprises is negative correlated with enterprise value. Lastly, based on the research results mentioned in the previous parts, combing with the current economic status in China, relevant suggestions and policies are proposed for the development of real estate industry.
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