    关键词: 上市公司;消费服务业;资产减值;会计问题
    Impairment of assets of listed companies accounting problems- the consumption of service industry as an example
    Abstract:Impairment of assets has always been the focus of much attention in our society, impairment of assets affected by many factors. In recent years, with the instability of global economic, business environment has become increasingly complex and changeable, Assets may be impaired at any time. What enterprises problems exist of the impairment of assets, how to solve the risks behind the impaired assets problems,has become a socially hot issue. In this paper, we take the impairment of Assets of consumer service enterprises as the research object, with the premise conditions of the basic theory of asset impairment, by analyzing the accounting practice of typical listed companies in this industry and investigates what is the problem of impairment of assets exist in consumer service enterprises and explore the reasons .At last, recommending how to regulate our asset impairment accounting.

    Keys Words: Listed companies;Consumer Services industry;Impairment of assets;Accounting problems
    绪论    1
    一、资产减值会计概论    2
    (一) 资产减值概述    2
    (二) 资产减值会计概述    2
    (三) 国内外资产减值会计的发展    2
    二、资产减值会计实务    2
    (一) 资产减值确认和计量    2
    1 资产减值准备确认    2
    2 资产减值的计量基础    2
    (二) 资产减值账务处理    3
    1 资产减值会计处理的一般规定    3
    2 资产减值会计处理的特殊规定    3
    三、消费服务业资产减值特点    4
    (一) 流动资产    4
    1 应收款项    4
    2 存货        4
    (二) 长期资产    4
    1 固定资产    4
    2 长期股权投资    5
    3 无形资产    5
    四、消费服务业上市公司资产减值会计处理分析    6
    (一) 案例分析一恒宝股份    6
    (二) 案例分析二一赛格集团    7
    五、消费服务业上市公司资产减值问题与原因分析    3
    (一) 通过资产减值调节利润    3
    (二) 资产减值的会计信息不能兼顾可靠性与相关性    3
    (三) 资产减值的信息披露不全    3
    (四) 资产减值信息来源不可靠    4
    优尔、规范上市公司资产减值的建议    5
    (一) 规范资产减值的实务处理    5
    (二) 规范会计准则    5
    (三) 改善会计信息披露    5
    (四) 控制资产减值信息源    5
    七、总结    7
    (一) 全文总结    7
    (二) 局限性    7
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