


      Research on tax planning of enterprise group

    -- Based on HUAWEI Corporation

     ABSTRACT:With the continuous development of economic globalization, social level is also in constant improvement, it has led to the production of tax planning. Enterprise groups often use the preferential policies of tax to tax planning. Tax planning is conducive to promoting the development of the national economy, is conducive to promoting the free flow of capital and the effective allocation of fiscal revenue growth, but also to optimize the industrial structure adjustment. Therefore, tax planning has become one of the important factors that must be considered in the strategic management of enterprise group. This paper will discuss the tax planning of enterprise group in detail.First of all, this paper mainly introduces the research background and significance of tax planning, and points out the research methods used in this paper .Secondly, this paper introduces several methods of tax planning of enterprise group, including tax preference policy, transfer pricing, accounting treatment and so on.Finally, taking listing Corporation HUAWEI Corporation as an example, analyzes the organization structure and capital structure, analyzes the problems and puts forward suggestions for improvement.The purpose of this paper is to enrich the theoretical knowledge of tax planning and enterprise group tax planning, and to provide a case for the tax planning of our company group.

      Key  Words:Enterprise;  Group tax planning;  organization;  Weakening of capital

    摘要 I


    目    录 III

    一、 绪论 1

    (一)研究背景和研究意义 1

    (二)研究内容、方法 1

    二、 企业集团税务筹划基本理论 3

    (一)企业集团概述 3

    (二)税务筹划概述 4

    (三)企业集团税务筹划的必要性与可行性 6

    三、 企业集团税务筹划的基本方法与策略 7

    (一)税惠政策利用法 7

    (二)转让定价筹划法 7

    (三)会计处理方法筹划法 9

    四、 企业集团税务筹划算例分析——以华为数据为基础

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