    China as the fair value measurement of the import country, in the popularity of fair value measurement is not America generally, especially the deletion in verification technology of fair value, making the actual efficiency of fair value measurement in China than in Western countries. However, such deficiencies, but let me avoid western chain of financial disaster, although the cause of the financial crisis is not the fair value measurement of accounting system, but indeed played a role in boosting the crisis. On the other hand, the fair value is not fully universal, but also makes the estimation of plane, on business and the economy of our country stereotype, lead to blind production, overcapacity and waste, also led to the profitability of the business can not be quantified, which makes the low efficiency of the financial market, financing difficult and expensive to produce.
    Our country is in the period of development in the fair application, through the comparison of the fair value in developed countries and our country in the application of fair value differences, and because of the economic effect of the difference, can more effectively estimate the influence of fair value on financial report in china.Keywords: value illusion, mood swings, the fair value measurement
     Key words: The measurement of fair value, economic stability, financial statement system
    目   录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    目   录    III
    一、公允价值计量    - 1 -
    ㈠ 公允价值计量    - 1 -
    ㈡ 公允价值的计量方法    - 1 -
    ㈢ 公允价值计量的优势    - 2 -
    ㈣ 公允价值计量的问题    - 3 -
    ㈤ 公允价值计量应用的必然性    - 3 -
    二、公允价值计量对我国财务报表的不利影响    - 4 -
    ㈠ 削减财务报表体系稳定经济的作用    - 4 -
    ㈡ 让财务报表陷入价值假象    - 5 -
    ㈢ 财务报表的制作和使用条件增加    - 7 -
    三、公允价值计量对我国财务报表的有利影响    - 7 -
    ㈠ 使我国财务报表能够更有效促进资源合理分配    - 7 -
    ㈡ 促使我国财务报表体系改进    - 8 -
    ㈢ 使我国财务报表体系成为宏观调控的依据和工具    - 9 -
    四、结论    - 10 -
    参考文献    - 11 -
    致    谢    - 12 -
    公允价值(Fair Value) 即是公允市价、公允价格。是指具有有一定交易能力的买卖双方,在公平自愿的条件下为收付货物,劳务和转移债务关系时所确认的对价。这其中需要方信息公开,公平交易。在公允价值计量下,公允价值的计算是基于资产和负债按照公平交易的情况下,人们熟知的市场价格进行交易所形成的交易价格。在实际工作中,一般交由评估机构负责。
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