     ABSTRACT  Along with the enterprise investment and financing market and information technology, better understanding and analysis of enterprise economic operation becomes more and more important, and to get well and truly useful information, careful analysis of the financial statements of the enterprise is a important shortcut. There are a lot of listed companies to disclose the financial indicators, to think from the numerous information correctly grasp the enterprise's financial situation and the prospect, the correct analysis of the operation status of enterprise using financial ratio analysis method, than any other tool is better.
        The will of Nanfang bearing company briefly, describes the background and development of a company, and at this stage of the company's operating status; and of Nanfang bearing in recent years, the financial indicators analysis, so as to find out the problems that may arise in the business; and then out of a proposed the corresponding countermeasures according to the, concrete analysis of concrete problems. This paper focuses on the analysis of the financial indicators of the bearing company in southern China and the corresponding measures to solve the problem.
    Key words: financial index; enterprise prospect; southern bearing;solution measures
     目    录
    摘    要    I
    第一章    引言    1
    第二章    财务指标分析理论概述    2
        2.1财务分析概念    2
    2.2财务指标分析的内容    2
    2.3财务指标分析的方法    3
    第三章    南方轴承公司财务指标分析    4
    3.1南方轴承公司简介    4
    3.2南方轴承公司偿债能力分析    4
    3.3南方轴承公司盈利能力分析    8
    3.4南方轴承公司营运能力分析    9
    3.5南方轴承公司发展能力分析    10
    第四章    财务指标分析结论    12
        4.1资金利用率较低,存在较高的闲置资金    12
        4.2资产负债率低,没有合理运用财务杠杆    12
        4.3财务管理观念较为薄弱,管理者素质不够高    12
        4.4没有建立起良好的风险防范措施    12
        4.5未能及时开发新产品    13
    4.6技术型人才的缺失    13
    第五章    建议及措施    14
    5.1完善资金管理体系,提高资金利用率    14
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