


    Enterprise income tax tax planning

    Abstract: Along with the progress of market economy in our country and increasingly perfect the income tax law, the tax planning of the enterprise, the enterprise within the scope of the national law allows reasonable planning of various tax, enterprise income tax is the most light, so as to realize the enterprise value maximization or maximize shareholder rights and interests, reduce the tax burden on enterprises become an important means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. The first part of this article is discussed the significance of enterprise income tax planning and put forward methods and Suggestions that the enterprise income tax have some plan space. The second part mainly tax rates, tax amounts, tax breaks, the three aspects of existing in tax policy on national within the scope of the law of enterprise income tax more tax planning space part puts forward some methods and suggestions.

    The third part analyzes the existing problems in the current income tax planning and disadvantages and puts forward the corresponding improvement measures, hope enterprise to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises income tax planning, also hopes to more and more specifications, the country's income tax regulation can achieve its purpose.

    Key words: Enterprise income tax; Tax planning; The tax payable; The preferential tax policy


    绪论  1

    一、企业所得税税收筹划的概述及其意义  …2  

    (一)企业所得税税收筹划的概述 2

    (二)所得税筹划对企业的意义 2

    二. 企业所得税税收筹划的途径 …4

    (一)企业成立之初的所得税筹划 4


    2.关于企业经营业务范围的筹划 … 4

    (二)企业经营期间的所得税筹划 5

    1.合理安排收入确认时间  5




    三. 企业所得税筹划存在的问题 …9

    (一)税收筹划风险意识不足 9

    (二) 忽视成本效益原则… 9

    (三) 税收筹划人员的水平不高 …10

    四. 企业所得税筹划的改进建议…11


    (二)重视成本效益分析 …11

    (三) 提高或培养专业涉税人员的素质能力12

    总结 13

    谢辞 14




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