


     Mergers and acquisitions performance study in china's pharmaceutical manufacturing industry

    ABSTRACT:With the development of China's pharmaceutical industry reform, it is worthy of attention whether mergers and acquisitions can bring to the sound development of the pharmaceutical industry. In this paper, I take M & a activity of listed companies of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in 2012 as the research object , selects 12 financial indicators such as ROE, debt ratio, earnings per share, etc. from solvency, capacity development, management, profitability.Using factor analysis of empirical research methods to build a comprehensive M & a performance evaluation system, research sample before M & a year (2011), acquisition of the year (2012) and two years after the merger (2013, 2014) a total of four changes in performance situation, and concluded: In the study period, the sample was significantly higher than the performance of the companies before the acquisition corporate performance, and M & a makes corporate performance increased year after year.

    Key Words: Pharmaceutical manufacturing;Mergers and acquisitions performance;  Factor analysis

     目   录

    摘要 I


    目录 III

    一、引言 1

    二、文献综述 2

    (一)国内文献综述 2

    (二)国外文献综述 3

    三、 企业并购绩效理论概述 4

    (一)并购绩效及并购绩效评价的概念 4

    (二)并购绩效评价方法的选择 4

    (三)因子分析的数学模型 4

    四、并购绩效评价的指标、样本选取及数据来源 6

    (一)并购绩效评价的指标选取 6

    (二)并购绩效评价的样本选取 6

    (三)并购绩效评价的数据来源 7

    五、 并购绩效实证研究及数据分析 8

    (一)描述性统计分析 8

    (二)KMO和Bartlett的检验 10

    (三)因子方差贡献 10

    (四)公共因子碎石图 13

    (五)旋转后的因子载荷矩阵 14

    (六)因子得分系数矩阵 16

    六、实证结论 20

    参考文献 21



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