


    Positive Analysis of The Factors Affecting the Profitability of Listed Companies in China   ——Based on The Pharmaceutical 

    Manufacturing Industry

      ABSTRACT:With the improvement of living standards and medical insurance system, pharmaceutical industry is developing rapidly in China. But in recent years, the profitability of the industry growth has slowed. Therefore, through the positive analysis, this paper is aimed to study the influencing factors of profitability. Principal findings show that profitability is positively related with enterprise scale, operation capability , marketing ability . But the more corporate debt will have negative effect on the profitability of the enterprises, the whole research and development ability of this industry is weak. To improve the profitability of enterprises, we can come up with some solutions from the following several aspects . Firstly , we should expand the scale of enterprises, and reduce fixed costs of enterprises . Secondly , the research and development ability of enterprises should be enhanced by developing self-developed products. Thirdly, we can improve the operating ability and the utilization of assets.Fourthly, reasonable estimation of debt financing scale is important to optimize the capital structure. Finally, a variety of marketing methods should be taken into consideration to broaden the sales way . And this can improve the marketing ability of enterprises.

    Key Words: profitability ; pharmaceutical industry ; influencing factors 

    目    录

    摘要 I


    目  录 III

    一、绪论 1

    (一)盈利能力的含义 1

    (二)医药制造业概况 1

    (三)研究的背景和意义 3

    二、医药制造业上市公司盈利能力影响因素的理论分析 5

    (一)理论分析 5

    (二)理论假设 6

    三、医药制造业上市公司盈利能力影响因素的实证分析 8

    (一)样本选取 8

    (二)变量选择 8

    (三)实证分析 9

    四、建议 16

    (一)扩大企业规模,提高生产效益 16

    (二)提高企业的研发能力 16

    (三)提高营运能力,加快资本周转速度 16


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