


    Abstract: With the rapid development of market economy ,small and medium-sized enterprises have become an important part of the national economy and played a more and more important role in the economic operation ,become an important force in promoting the development of productive forces. At the same time, the loan business of small and medium-sized enterprises has become a new way to expand the market space of commercial banks, especially with the competition of banking, persification of financing channels for large enterprises and the development of increasingly mature, whether the SME loan market could develop successfully, has become the key to maintain the advantage of competition of commercial banks in the credit markets. Suzhou bank Si yang branch, based in Si yang , radiation near cities and counties, to inject vitality into the development of regional small and medium sized enterprises, but with the expansion of the amount of credit and business credit risk, some problems also appear gradually and brings challenges to the stable development of banks. This paper is aimed at the problem of credit risk of the bank's research and specific the problem of risk control measures are feasible, in order to realize the sustainable development of Suzhou bank Si yang branch.

    Key words: commercial bank, small and medium enterprises, credit risk, risk control

    目 录

    1  引言 4

    2  中小企业贷款信用风险控制的概述 4

    2.1  中小企业的概念 4

    2.2  信用风险和信用风险控制 5

    2.3  信用风险的表现形式 5

    3  中小企业贷款信用风险控制对银行的意义 5

    3.1  优化产业结构促进长期发展 5

    3.2  降低企业经营风险保护资产安全 6

    3.3  关注未来趋势保持稳健增长 6

    4  苏州银行泗阳支行中小企业贷款信用风险控制存在的问题 6

    4.1  社会信用环境的恶化 6

    4.2  信用风险控制量化水平不高 7

    4.3  信用风险文化建设的欠缺和滞后 7

    4.4  信用风险体制的不健全 7

    5  苏州银行泗阳支行中小企业贷款信用风险原因分析 8

    5.1  市场环境方面 8

    5.2  中小企业方面

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