


    毕业论文关键词:资本结构  房地产上市公司  融资结构 资产负债率

    Language Learning

    Abstract:eal estate development and the construction of commercial and residential buildings largely determine the future spatial distribution of job and residential locations, thereby giving public planners an instrument with which they can steer urbanization. This paper measures whether the real estate development and urban management planning process, in terms of construction permits, enables a relationship between commercial and residential real estate developments and thus between future job and residential locations.We use data on construction permits for the Netherlands 

    over 1990–2012. Our conclusion is that the real estate development and urban planning process, in terms of construction permits, allows a complementary effect between commercial and residential real estate developments. A one per cent increase in commercial real estate development permits leads to a 0.35 per cent increase in residential real estate development permits. Finally, the data reveal differences across regions suggesting that different local factors are at work.

    Keywords :Real estate development;     Housing market Commercial market;            Panel error-correction model;  Financing structure;    

    目  录

     绪论 1

       (一)研究背景及意义 1

       (二)现状分析 1

           1.国外研究现状 1

           2.国内研究现状 2

      一、资本结构理论 3

       (一)资本结构定义 3

    1.净收益理论 3

    2.净营运收入理论 3

    3.传统理论 3

    4.MM理论 3

    5.平衡理论 4

       (二)资本结构原理对我国企业的启发 4

    1.有效健全和完善我国资本市场 4

    2.鼓励企业适度举债,建立健全的债务约束机制 4

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