    摘要 公司的并购是一种经济行为,必须遵循经济的规律。为了提高企业并购的成功率,企业必须选择最合适的战略方案以期实现企业价值最大化的战略目标。从财务角度对企业并购的动机进行剖析,并购的边界也是并购的可行性研究,接近或超出并购的边界,并购后的附加值将逐渐减少甚至为负。由于并购牵涉到双方各自的利益,在预计利益大于零的条件下,对预计利益如何分配往往成为谈判的焦点。确定双方从各自利益出发能够接受的条件范围是使谈判得以成功的前提条件,本毕业论文根据并购费用不同的支付方式,对此平衡条件进行了定量分析,得出了有关的边界条件。并购的财务边界是公司并购定价的具体运用,对并购决策有重要意义。同时在影响企业并购的主要因素进行分析的基础上作出企业并购的定价策略。7812
    The mergers and acquisitions of the the company's is a kind of the economic behavior of, In order to improve the the the success rate of mergers and acquisitions by the enterprise, the enterprises must select the most appropriate strategic program on in order to period the the achievement of the maximization of enterprise value strategic objectives. From a financial point of view to analyze the motives for mergers and acquisitions, the boundaries of the M & M & A feasibility study, close to or beyond the boundaries of the M & A value-added post-merger will be gradually reduced or even negative. Due to mergers and acquisitions to the respective interests of the parties involved in the conditions of the anticipated benefits of greater than zero, the anticipated benefits of how to allocate often become the focus of the negotiations. To determine the the two sides from the the of their own interests the departure to be able to to accept the range of conditions is to make the the negotiations to able to the a prerequisite for success conditions, the In this paper, pursuant to a method of payment from the different cost of mergers and acquisitions, In this regard the equilibrium conditions carried out quantitative analysis of, draw the the relevant the boundary conditions of. Financial border mergers and acquisitions M & pricing the use of M & A decision-making is important. Be made on the the pricing strategy of for the mergers and acquisitions of enterprises in the at the same time in the the of the main factors of the the affect the in mergers and acquisitions of the enterprise the basis of analyzing.
    Keywords:Mergers and acquisitions;financial boundary conditions; financial decisions; analysis model
    目 录
    摘 要 ..2
    第一章  绪论 3
    第二章 企业并购的动机与过程6
    (三)企业并购的风险分析 10
    第三章 企业财务边界条件分析 12
    (一)股份公司的财务边界条件分析 12
    (二)非股份公司的财务边界条件分析 14
    第四章 企业并购的定价策略 16
    (一)现金购买方式下交易价格的确定 16
    (二)换股方式下交易价格的确定 17
    第五章 结论 18
    第一章  绪论
    (一) 企业并购的概念
    企业并购(M&A) 是企业并购(Merger) 和收购( Acquisition) 的总称, 是指企业通过购买或其他有偿方式取得另一家企业的产权, 使其失去经营控制权的一种投资行为。其中并购交易价格的确定是并购决策的关键环节, 科学合理地确定并购的交易价格, 是并购谈判前的重要准备工作, 也是并购成功的基础。国际上习惯将并购和收购合在一起使用,统称为M&A,在我国称为并购,通常是指两家或两家以上独立企业并购组成一家企业,一般表现为一家占优势的公司吸收其他公司的活动。而收购则为一家企业用现金或者其他资产购买另一家企业的股票或者资产,以获得对该企业的全部资产或者某项资产的所有权,以便获得对该企业的控制权行为。并购的实质是在企业控制权运动过程中,各权利主体依据企业产权作出的制度安排而进行的一种权利让渡行为。并购活动是在一定的财产权利制度和企业制度条件下进行的,在并购过程中,某一或某一部分权利主体通过出让所拥有的对企业的控制权而获得相应的受益,另一个部分权利主体则通过付出一定代价而获取这部分控制权。企业并购的过程实质上是企业权利主体不断变换的过程[7]。
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