
    摘  要:在企业所有资产中流动性最强的的是现金。每一个企业在销售商品、提供劳务、购买商品、接受劳务、对外出资和支付税收等活动中的现金流动状况都需要现金流来记录,因此现金流反映了一个企业的现金收支状况,在企业的发展中尤为重要。但当前企业在进行现金管理时存在诸多问题,尤其是毛纺行业的资金管理问题相当严重,这给整个行业带来了极大的损失。可见,一个企业想要在竞争中保持长期健康发展并处于领先地位,那么企业必须加强企业的现金管理,提高企业资金的利用率。为了分析研究企业在进行现金管理时存在的问题以及解决对策,本文首先阐述了资金管理的概况,然后以阳光公司为例,讨论其在资金管理中存在的一些问题,最后针对发现的问题提出相应的对策。55272


    Abstract: The most liquid of all assets in the enterprise is the cash. Each enterprise inselling goods, providing labor services, the purchase of goods, services, foreigninvestment and pay taxes and other activities of the cash flow situation will need cash flow to record, so cash flow reflects cash balance of payments situation of an enterprise, especially important in the development of enterprises. But the current enterprise in cash management has many problems, especially financial management problems of wool textile industry is very serious, which has caused a great loss to the industry as a whole. Therefore, an enterprise wants tomaintain long-term healthy development in competition and in the leading position, so the enterprise must strengthen the cash management of the enterprise, improve the utilization of funds of enterprises. In order to analyze theexisting in the cash management of enterprise problems and solutions, this paperexpounds the general situation of capital management, and then to the SunShine Co as an example, discusses some problems existing in the fund management,and finally put forward the corresponding countermeasures according to the problems found.

    Keyword: financial management;internal control;the wool textile industry 

    目 录

    1  引言 4

    2  资金管理的概念及重要性 4

    2.1  资金管理的概念 4

    2.2  资金管理的重要性 4

    3  江苏阳光公司概况 4

    3.1  阳光公司简介 4

    3.2  阳光公司的经营现状 5

    3.3  阳光公司资金管理现状 6

    4  江苏阳光公司存在的问题分析 7

    4.1  现金的内部控制不严、管理混乱 7

    4.2  企业管理人员和会计人员素质低,财务观念淡薄 7

    4.3  缺乏现金流监控,部分现金流向不明 8

    4.4  资金管理手段落后、使用效益低下 8

    5  江苏阳光公司资金管理方面应采取的对策 8

    5.1  加强企业的现金内部控制 8

    5.2  加强企业管理人员现金管理意识和素质 9

    5.3  资金集中管理 9

    5.4  加速推行全面预算管理 9

    5.5  健全资金监督体系

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