


    Abstract: Interest rate reform is an inevitable result of internal needs and the country's economic development to a certain extent, while the interest rate market is a major initiative to accelerate further reform of China's financial system is the inherent requirements of the development of the socialist market economy. Indepth research and analysis on the policy interest rate market operation and management of commercial banks and commercial banks to deal with the impact, on the promotion of commercial banks to reduce operating costs and improve overall efficiency, establish a sound management system has significant value, for the moment China's socialist improve the system of market economy and the healthy development of the national economy has theoretical and practical significance. From the market-oriented reform of interest rates starting to explain the impact of interest rate marketization brought to the bank, Bank of Jingsu for these effects taken effective measures. Then how to deal with interest rates of commercial banks market to express their views. Through this study, the commercial banks are able to understand the response of the interest rate market measures, the market demand to develop and improve themselves.

    Keyword: Interest rate market, Bank of Jiangsu,risk,lending and deposit

    目 录

    1 引言 4

    1.1 利率市场化的概念 4

    1.2 我国利率市场化改革背景及过程 4

    2 利率市场化的影响 5

    2.1 利率市场化的利弊 5

    2.1.1 利率市场化的有利影响 5

    2.1.2 利率市场化的不利影响 5

    2.2 利率市场化给商业银行带来的风险 6

    3 利率市场化对江苏银行的影响 6

    3.1 利率市场化对江苏银行的冲击 6

    3.2 利率市场化造成冲击的原因 7

    4 江苏银行在利率市场化中的优势与劣势分析 7

    4.1 江苏银行的优势 7

    4.2 江苏银行的劣势 8

    5 江苏银行对利率市场化的应对措施及效果 9

    5.1 江苏银行实施的措施 9

    5.2 江苏银行措施实施的效果及评价 11

    6 应对策略 12

    6.1 商业银行要抓稳利率变动的方向 12

    6.2 注重存贷款业务质量考核

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