摘 要:股票市场是我国企业进行融资的重要渠道之一,对于一个企业的发展具有重要意义。通过发行股票进行融资,可以解决企业在发展过程中的资金瓶颈问题,为企业扩大再生产提供必要的资金支持。本文以今世缘为例,首先将阐明此选题的研究方向、研究方法和研究意义,其次将从今世缘企业上市后的总体发展状况出发,通过分析其上市后的财务资金状况,经营业绩,盈利能力,偿付债能力,市场竞争优劣势及成长能力等,探讨其上市后对今世缘企业的发展带来的利弊影响。最后找出其存在的问题,进而通过合理的分析研究提出解决对策,为今世缘企业的可持续发展提供一些建议。64635
毕业论文关键词: 股票市场, 上市, 融资
Abstract:The stock market is one of the important way for the financing of enterprises in our country, which has important significance for the development of an enterprise. Financing through the issuance of stocks can solve the lack of money problem in the development process of the enterprise and provide the necessary financial support for enterprises to expand reproduction. In this paper, the present margin as an example, research direction, will first clarify the research methods and research significance, then starting the overall development situation from the present margin listed companies, through the analysis of the listed financial condition, operating performance, profitability, debt repayment capacity, the advantages and disadvantages of market competition and growth ability, advantages and disadvantages of its impact after the listing of the present margin of the development of enterprises. Finally, find out the existing problems, and then through the analysis of the reasonable countermeasures, provide some suggestions for the sustainable development of Jinshiyuan enterprises.
Keywords:Stock Market, Stock List, Financing
1 引言 3
2 今世缘上市后对其的影响分析 3
2.1 今世缘公司基本情况 3
2.2 今世缘上市优势分析 4
2.3 今世缘上市劣势分析 7
3 今世缘上市后存在问题分析 9
3.1 上市后业绩出现下滑 9
3.2 市场的局限性 9
3.3 上市导致管理问题显现 10
3.4 中小股东权益受损 10
4 今世缘存在问题的解决对策及建议 10
4.1 实施技术创新,提高企业效益 10
4.2 加快实施品牌战略,扩展公司市场范围 10
4.3 规范公司管理制度,建立人才梯队 11
4.4 切实保护中小股东利益 11
结论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
1 引言