摘 要:国务院李克强在今年的十二届全国人大四次会议上发表政府报告,宣布从2016年5月1日起全面实施营改增,将房地产业、建筑业、金融保险业和生活服务业(包括医疗业,酒店业、餐饮业和娱乐业等)四大重要行业同时纳入营改增试点范围。建筑业在营业税改增值税这样一个大形势下,将会迎来一个很大的发展机遇和挑战。所以建筑施工企业在这样一个环境下,需要保持必要的警惕。基于此点,本文将通过营业税改增值税对建筑企业产生的影响进行剖析调查,发现问题并提出企业的应对之策。71545
Abstract:Li Keqiang, premier of the State Council in this year's second session of the National People's Congress four times meeting: report of the government, announced on May 1, 2016 full implementation of the camp to increase, real estate, construction, finance and insurance industry and the service life of (including the medical industry, the hotel industry, the catering industry and entertainment Leye) four major industries and into the camp to increase the scope of the pilot. The construction industry business tax on the value added tax in such a big situation, will usher in a great development opportunities and challenges, bear more of the tax burden. So the construction enterprise in such an environment, to maintain the necessary vigilance. Based on this point, the business tax on the value added tax of construction enterprises have to survey and analysis, found the problem and put forward the enterprise strategy to deal with.
Key words: Value added tax,Construction industry,Tax burden,Countermeasures
目 录
1 引言 3
2 营业税改增值税对国内研究分析 3
2.1 对宏观经济的影响 3
2.2 征税范围不同 3
2.3 计税依据不同 4
3 营业税改增值税的主要内容 4
3.1 四个行业适用两档税率 4
3.2 不动产纳入抵扣范围 4
3.3 老合同、老项目采取过渡性措施 4
4 建筑企业现状分析 4
5 营业税改增值税对建筑类企业产生的影响分析 5
5.1 营业税改增值税对建筑企业税负的影响 5
5.2 对收入和成本及毛利的影响 5
5.3 对资产、负债的影响 6
5.4 对现金流的影响 6
5.5 对利润的影响 6
6 建筑企业营改增的应对之策 7
6.1 加强纳税筹划 7
6.2 加强员工知识培训 7
6.3 合理构建企业的资本结构 7
6.4 提高企业的管理水平 8
6.5 坚持持续转型升级 8
结 论 9
参 考 文 献 10
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