毕业论文关键词 内部控制缺陷 审计意见 相关性 实证分析
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The Association between Internal Control Defects and Audit Opinion on Financial Statement
Abstract In the era of knowledge economy, internal control system of a company is considered extremely important。 A good internal control system can reduce the agent’s misstatements due to error and decrease the possibility of opportunism accounting choices by manager so that it can provide a reasonable assurance on financial reporting process。 Usually, a company with internal control defects has higher financial risks and information uncertainties。 In face of a high risk audit client, auditors are prone to give a qualified audit opinion to avoid audit risks。 Based on domestic literature, this paper have done an empirical study on A share listed companies during 2012-2014, based on domestic literature, combined with signal transmission theory and risk conduction effect theory。 The results show that material internal control defects is correlated with qualified audit opinions, while immaterial internal control defects is not correlated with qualified audit opinion。 In the basis of these results, this paper put up some suggestions on the specialization of company internal control system and provide some empirical evidence for the promotion of internal control efficiency。
Keywords Internal Control Defect Audit Opinion Association Empirical Study
目 次
1 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景及意义1
1。2 研究内容与方法2
1。3 研究框架图3
2 理论概述5
2。1 内部控制缺陷的涵义及分类5
2。2 审计意见的涵义及种类 5
2。3 相关理论 6
2。4 国内外文献回顾7
3 内控缺陷对审计意见影响机理分析及研究假设 10
3。1 机理分析10
3。2 研究假设12
4 内控缺陷对财报审计意见影响的实证设计12
4。1 样本选取与数据来源12
4。2 变量设置12
4。3 模型构建13
5 内控缺陷对财报审计意见影响的实证过程和结果15
5。1 描述性统计15
5。2 相关性分析16
5。3 多元线性回归18
6 研究结论与建议22
6。1 研究结论22
6。2 相关建议22
致谢 26
1 绪论