摘要:从周口市川汇区施用过甲基托布津的蔬菜园中采集的土壤样品中,通过富集培养筛选出一株能以甲基硫菌灵为唯一碳源生长并能降解甲基托布津的细菌ZY01。通过对菌落形态特征的观察,生理生化实验和微生物测序的分析,鉴定所选育出的菌株为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas ),与壬二酸假单胞菌(Pseudomonas azelaica)最为接近。菌株ZY01在适宜条件下培养7d,将300mg/L的甲基托布津降解了72.6%。39412 毕业论文关键词:甲基托布津;分离纯化;鉴定;微生物降解
Screening and identification of mildothane degrading bacterium
Abstract:A bacterial strain named ZY01 which could use mildothane as the only carbon source grothing and degrade the pesticide Thiophanate-Methyl was collected form the soil in herbary of agromedicine contamination in ZhouKou ,and it was identified as Pseudomonas and closely to Pseudomonas azelaica by analyes of morphology ,Physiological-Biochemical test and 16SrDNA. 7days, under the appropriate conditions ZY01 can degrade the moldothane(300mg/L) to 27.4%.
Keywords: Mildothane;Separation and Purification; Evaluation ; Micro-biological Degradation
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