

毕业论文关键词: 江南人家小区  植物种类  配置形式  调查研究  丹阳市

Plant furnishing and Species survey of JiangNanRenJia Uptown in Danyang Province

Abstract Residential greenbelt was an important component of urban green space system,which played a fundamental role to protect Urban species persity。Along with the improvements of people's economic level and living standards, the demand for the quality of environment in the residential area is also increasing。 Therefore, the importance of the residential area of the plant landscape configuration can not be ignored,and as a county-level city, Danyang, the relevant research is very scarce,so this paper mainly uses the field investigation, a comprehensive survey and consulting related data, from plant species and configuration, seasonal and color and creating plant landscape of the Jiangnan family residential various types of green plant configuration of related research, in order to late Danyang other residential areas of the plant application can play a role in。Through the investigation and analysis of the data, a total of 51 species of plant species were obtained, belonging to 34 families and 45 genera。 There are 28 species of trees, 17 species of shrubs, 5 species of shrubs and 1 species of bamboo。 Including native species, 19 species, 32 species of exotic trees。 There are 33 species of evergreen plants, 18 species of deciduous plants。Plant disposition forms are various, the arbor has the disposition way such as the solitary, the Row planting, the scattered planting, and so on。 The whole area of the tone color is green, colorful trees with less。

There are 5 figures, 1 tables and 18 references in this paper。

Key Words: jiangnanrenjia residential area  kind of plant  form of disposition survey and research  Danyang city 

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

图清单 IV

表清单 IV

绪论 1

1研究内容和方法 2

1。1研究内容和方法 2

1。2调查区概况 2

2结果与分析 3

2。1树种调查 3

2。2植物配置现状与分析 8

3建议 11











