    摘要:近年来,复合调料成为了调品行业的新动向。但是,将猪骨和猪肉提取物作为复合调料主料的研究尚少。本论文介绍了一种以猪汤、猪肉酶解液及猪骨酶解液为原料,调配猪肉复合调料的方法。 本论文通过单因素实验确定骨汤的蒸煮条件:猪骨以料液比1:2,在高压下蒸煮 135min。通过单因素试验确定了复合蛋白酶酶解猪骨和猪肉的最佳酶解条件:猪骨的最佳酶解条件为:温度55 ℃,pH=7,底物浓度1:4,酶添加量 0.75 %,酶解时间3 h;猪肉的最佳酶解条件为:温度55 ℃,pH=7,底物浓度1:4,酶添加量 0.5 %,酶解时间 3 h。而后通过正交试验与感官评定相结合的方法,确定复合调料的最佳配方为:猪汤 36.22 %,猪肉酶解液4.83 %,猪骨酶解液 9.66 %,猪油 6.03 %,食用盐4.83 %,白砂糖 0.36 %,精2.17 %,单甘脂1.09 %,卡拉胶4.83 %和麦芽糊精 28.98 %,辅料(八角粉)1 %。最后采用GC-MS 技术对成品中的香气组分进行定性分析,结果共鉴定出 48 种猪肉香气成分,其中7种醇类、6 种酸类、12种醛类、6种酮类、4种酯类、5种噻唑、呋喃、吡嗪、吡喃类,还有8种其他物质。21517
    The development of concentrated pork flavor compound
    Abstract: Recently, compound condiment has become the new trend in the condiment industry.
    But almost there was no research on the condiment which combined pig bone and extractive of
    pork. This paper presented a method of preparing pork taste compound condiment by
    combining bone soup and extractive of pig bone and meat.
    Cooking conditions of bones were determined by single factor experiment: The ratio of material
    to liquid is 1:2, cooking for 135 min under high pressure. Optimum hydrolytic conditions of
    bones and meat were determined by single factor experiment: the hydrolytic conditions of bone
    was researched: Substrate concentration 1:4; compound protease enzyme concentration 0.75%;
    enzymolysis time 3h; enzymolysis temperature 55℃; pH 7. The hydrolytic conditions of meat
    is also researched: Substrate concentration 1:4;Compound protease enzyme concentration 0.5%;
    enzymolysis time 3h; enzymolysis temperature 55℃;pH 7. The optimum formula of the product
    which was determined by single factor experiment,  orthogonal experiment and sensory
    evaluation was composed of 36.22% bone soup,  4.83%  pork enzymatic hydrolyzate,9.66%
    bone  enzymatic hydrolyzate,6.03% lard,  4.83% salt,  0.36% sugar,  2.17% monosodium
    glutamate,1.09% glycerel monostearte,4.83% carrageenan,28.98% maltodextrin and 1%
    excipient(aniseed powder). Making the qualitative analysis of aroma component of the product
    by GC-MS.  48 volatile components were identified and they were 7  alcohols,  6 acids,  12
    aldehydes, 6 ketones , 4 esters, 5 thiazoles, furans, paradiazines and pyrans, 8 other components.
    Furans, thiazoles and aldehydes were important pork flavor volatile components.
    Key Words: Compound condiment; Pig Bone; Pork flavor; Sensory Evaluation; GC-MS
    1 引言  .  1
    1.1 复合调料的展望   1
    1.2 猪骨呈物质的提取   1
    1.3 猪骨提取物制作调剂   1
    1.4 本课题的研究目的和意义   2
    1.5 本课题研究的主要内容   2
    2 实验材料和方法  .  3
    2.1 实验原料和器材   3
    2.1.1 实验原料  .  3
    2.1.2 仪器和设备  .  4
    2.2 骨汤的优化    4
    2.3 猪骨、猪肉酶解条件的优化    6
    2.4 调料的调配    7
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