    The preparation process of jujube powder and formulation design of the nutritional breakfast powder
    Abstract:In this study, the jujubes were taken as the raw material and processed into jujube powder through the enzymatic extraction and vacuum drying of jujube juice. Then the jujubes were taken as the main raw material, with asparagus powder and zizania aquatica powder. The flavor of jujube breakfast powder were optimized by orthogonal experiment. The study is the effect of hydrolysis conditions on the extraction rate of jujube juice, the effect of drying conditions on the drying results of jujube juice and the formulation design of the breakfast powder.Experimental results show that using pectinase and cellulase enzyme complex which proportion is 5:1, the extraction is well. Under the optimal preparing conditions of that compound enzyme 0.42%, hydrolysis temperature 51.53℃and extraction time 4.22 h with the ratio of material and water 1:6, the rate of extraction could attain 63.19%. Under the optimal preparing conditions of that maltodextrin 55%, drying temperature 50℃ and material thickness 3mm received jujube powder of the higher sensory value shorter drying time. By orthogonal experiment received that the optimal proportion of jujube powder, asparagus powder and zizania aquatica powder was 8:0.5:1.5 and the optimal flavor proportion was that jujube breakfast powder 10g, sugar 2.5g, citric acid 0.03g, CMC1.0g.
    Key Words:jujube juice;enzymolysis;vacuum drying;flavor
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  本课题国内外研究现状概述    1
    1.1.1  红枣概述    1
    1.1.2  红枣的加工利用现状    1
    1.2  固体果蔬饮品的特色和加工工艺    2
    1.2.1  固体果蔬饮品的定义    2
    1.2.2  固体果蔬饮品的特点    2
    1.2.3  固体果蔬饮品的干燥工艺    2
    1.3  红枣粉的加工现状    3
    1.3.1  红枣汁浸提工艺    3
    1.3.2  红枣浆制备工艺    4
    1.3.3  红枣粉干燥工艺    4
    1.4  复配固体果蔬饮品的营养原理    4
    1.5  本课题的研究目的和意义    5
    材料与方法    6
    2.1  原料与试剂    6
    2.2  仪器与设备    7
    2.3  实验方法    7
    2.3.1  红枣汁的提取    7
    2.3.2  红枣汁的干燥    9
    2.3.3  红枣早餐粉的配方设计    10
    2.3.4  营养成分的测定    11
    2.3.5  成本分析    11
    3  结果与讨论    12
    3.1  红枣的预处理    12
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