      The Research and Development of Coix Seed Puffed Food
    Coix seed is Chinese traditional medicine and health food, it is rich in protein, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, and the composition such as ash, antihypertensive, fall blood sugar and anti-inflammatory effects bitter in taste and cold-natured,invigorating spleen for diuresis, it is the popular demand of "green food". But as a result of coix seed particles hard, normal cooking is very difficult to make its gelatinization, not easy processing. Taking puffing coix seed as raw material, using the texture analyser, using the single factor and orthogonal analysis method, the comprehensive sensory determination results, identified the best prescription puffing of semen coicis crisp biscuit is: (to the total weight of coix seed powder and flour 100%) coix seed powder 12%, oil 25%, sugar 12%, loose agent 1.3%. To the best formula to produce a product texture osteoporosis sweetness that good flavor and high quality. Among them, the oil content had the greatest influence on product quality, the second is the coix seed powder to add quantity, bulking agent amount and the amount of sugar added.
    Key Words: Extrusion;Coix seed;Biscuits;Formulation
    目    录
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    1绪论    1
    1.1薏米及其功能简介    1
    1.2薏米加工利用的现状    2
    1.3本课题研究的目的和意义    3
    2材料、仪器与方法    4
    2.1实验材料    4
    2.2实验仪器    4
    2.3实验方法    5
    2.3.1薏米酥性饼干配方的单因素研究    5
    2.3.2薏米酥性饼干配方的多因素研究    5
    2.3.3质构分析    5
    2.3.4薏米酥性饼干评定指标    5
    2.3.5糊化度的检测    6
    2.3.6产品理化指标的检测    6
    3结果与分析    8
    3.1薏米酥性饼干配方的确定    8
    3.1.1薏米酥性饼干配方的单因素分析    8
    3.1.2薏米酥性饼干配方的正交试验分析    11
    3.2糊化度的测定结果    12
    3.3薏米酥性饼干主要组成成分测定结果    13
    3.4薏米酥性饼干质构测定及感官评价    13
    结    论    14
    参 考 文 献    15
    致    谢    17
    薏苡仁又名薏米、薏仁、苡仁等,其别名有土玉米,起实、薏珠子、回回米、米仁、优尔谷子等30多种[1],英文名称为Coix Seed,俗称为米仁。薏苡仁是我国传统的药食两用的保健食品,具有降压、降血糖和抗炎作用;性寒甘,利水健脾,中医常将其用于脾虚湿滞等症[2]。
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