    摘要:本课题重点研究了发酵型杨梅酒的酿造工艺并对研制出来的杨梅酒进行了成分分析与感官评定分析。首先以杨梅汁的褐变度为指标进行了异抗坏血酸、抗坏血酸及柠檬酸三种护色剂的添加量对其护色效果影响的研究,通过正交试验确定了护色剂的最佳比例为异抗坏血酸0.11%、抗坏血酸0.04%、柠檬酸0.17%。在杨梅酒的主发酵工艺研究中,研究了不同酵母、糖度、酸度和SO2添加量对杨梅酒酒精度的影响,确定最佳主发酵工艺参数为酵母添加量0.15%、糖度22%、酸度3.75及SO2添加量60mg/L。最后采用顶空固相微萃取/气相色谱-质谱联用技术(HS-SPME/GC-MS)测定了杨梅酒的香气成分,并对其成分进行对比研究。结果表明:杨梅酒中香气物质26种。其中,酯类化合物有13种,醇类化合物有6种,醛类化合物有2种,酚类化合物有1种,酮类化合物有1种,酸类化合物有3种; 3-甲基-1-丁醇、癸酸乙酯、月桂酸乙酯的含量分别居前三位;主要的香气成分有乙酸乙酯、苯乙醇,癸酸乙酯、辛酸乙酯、苯酚,其中有4种香气成分为重要致香成分,分别是乙酸乙酯、癸酸乙酯、辛酸乙酯、苯酚。39077
    Study on the Fermentation Technology of Red Bayberry Wine and Flavor Analysis
    Abstract: Red bayberry was as raw material, the fermentation technology of red bayberry wine and aroma compounds of red bayberry were studied in this paper. Under the condition of placing an hour in the constant temperature box of 30°C, the effect of the addition of isoascorbic acid, ascorbic acid and citric acid on the color protection of red bayberry juice was studied. The color protection was optimized through the orthogonal experiments, when amount of color protecting agent was isoascorbic acid was 0.11%, ascorbic acid was 0.02%, citric acid was 0.17%. In the fermentation technology of the red bayberry wine experiments, sugar content, otacidity , the quantity of yeast and amount of sulfur dioxide were studied. Through the orthogonal experiments optimize, it showed that the sugar is 20%,otacidity was 3.75,amount of sulfur dioxidewas 60mL/L and yeast added 0.15%. The aroma compounds of the red bayberry wine was analyzed by GC/MS. There are 27 kinds of aroma substances in the red bay berry wine. Among them, there are 13 kinds of ester compounds and 7 kinds of alcohol, 2 kinds of aldehyde compounds , one kind of phenolic compounds, one kind of ketone compounds, and three kinds of acids compounds.
    Key Words:Red bayberry wine; fermentation process; analysis of flavor; GC-MS
    目    录
     1引言    1
    1.1杨梅    1
    1.1.1杨梅的营养价值    1
    1.1.2杨梅的药用价值    1
    1.2国内外研究现状概述    2
    1.2.1国外研究现状    2
    1.2.2国内研究现状    2
    1.3 本文研究目的和研究内容    3
    1.3.1研究背景    3
    1.3.2 研究目的    4
    1.3.3研究内容    4
    2试验材料和方法    5
    2.1试验材料    5
    2.1.1试验样品    5
    2.1.2试剂    5
    2.1.3仪器设备    5
    2.2 试验方法    6
    2.2.1 杨梅汁的制备    6
    2.2.2杨梅汁的护色    6
    2.2.3杨梅酒的主发酵工艺研究    7
    2.2.4 杨梅酒的后发酵    8
    2.2.5杨梅酒酒精度的测定    8
    2.2.6杨梅酒的香气成分分析    9
    2.2.7杨梅酒的感官分析    9
    3结果与讨论    10
    3.1杨梅汁的护色工艺研究    10
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