
    摘要Fusarium是农作物和经济作物的重要病原菌,可侵染多种作物。可导致植物萎蔫、根腐等各种病症,致使作物减产甚至绝产,因此,寻找有效的防治方法具有重要意义。本实验主要研究肉桂油(Cinnamon oil)和硼酸(Boric acid)对Fusarium oxysporum (以下简称SP6)是否有抑制作用和抑制效果最好的浓度。本研究从腐烂的番茄(Solanum lycopersicum cv. Ailsa Craig)中分离主要致病菌,经rDNA-ITS法进行鉴定后,利用不同抑菌物质肉桂油、硼酸处理病菌,确定最低抑菌浓度,并通过生理、生化指标以及果实接种实验,研究了两种抑菌物质与病原菌发育及致病力的关系。结果表明:分离的病原菌为Fusarium oxysporum ;两种物质的抑菌效果均与浓度成正比;在最低抑菌浓度下,可以显著抑制Fusarium oxysporum的孢子萌发,延缓芽管伸长及菌丝扩展速度,降低病原菌生物量积累,引起病原菌糖吸收障碍,并对番茄枯萎病有明显的防治作用;本研究为果蔬采后病原菌Fusarium oxysporum的防治提供了新的思路。47704


    Fusarium is a major postharvest pathogen and quite harmful to crops and economic crops preservation and it could infect various crops. The infected crops will appear wilt , root rots diease etc phenomenon and cause huge yield loss or no fruit at all. Therefore, looking for effective control methods has the vital practical significance. The major theme of this study is to find whether Cinnamon oil and Boric acid have any effect on Fusarium oxysporum and the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of exogenous antifungal substances if there are any effects , we isolated the main pathogen from naturally infected tomato(Solanum lycopersicum cv. Ailsa Craig) and identified it by rDNA-ITS method. Then MICs of exogenous antifungal substances Cinnamon oil, Boric acid, were confirmed. The relationship between two antifungal substances and growth or pathogenicity of the pathogen were evaluated via assessment of physiological, biochemical indexes and inoculation experiment of fruits. The results indicated that the isolated pathogen was identified as Fusarium oxysporum The two antifungal substances could inhibit the growth of Fusarium oxysporum and the behavior were dose-dependent. Furthermore, antifungal substances with MICs all could inhibit spore germination, reduce germ tube elongation and mycelium extension rate, lower biomass accumulation, result in sugar malabsorption of Fusarium oxysporum and effectively control  wilt diease of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporumy . This study provides new approaches to control postharvest horticulture pathogen Fusarium oxysporum. 

    毕业论文关键词 :Fusarium;抑菌物质;贮藏保鲜

    Keywords:Fusarium; Antifungal substance; Preservation and freshness

    目    录

    摘  要 3

    Abstract 3

    1 前言 5

    1.1 Fusarium介绍 5

    1.2果蔬采后病害的研究现状 6

    2 材料与方法 6

    2.1 菌株及主要试剂 6

    2.2 病原菌的分离及rDNA-ITS法鉴定 7

    2.3 两种抑菌物质最低抑菌浓度的确定以及对Fusarium oxysporum芽管伸长的影响 7

    2.4 两种抑菌物质对Fusarium oxysporum菌落扩展的影响 8

    2.5两种抑菌物质对Fusarium oxysporum菌丝生物量积累及总糖吸收率的影响 8

    2.6 两种抑菌物质对诱Fusarium oxysporum发番茄萎蔫病的防治 8

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