毕业论文关键词:大学生综合素质; 因子分析; 评价
Abstract Nowadays, the overall quality of college students outside of university students become the focus of attention。 In colleges and universities, such as scholarship assessment is recommended for students or graduate honorary title and other issues。 To this end, the students how to make a reasonable assessment of science in all aspects of school periods it is important also necessary。 However, with changing times, under the current education system for students gradually come forward to question the evaluation mode。
This paper describes various aspects of factor analysis, factor analysis for a deeper understanding, refer to the actual data of a school student in school affect their overall quality of each index factor analysis for evaluation of the overall quality of college students better understand students in all aspects of the case。 And finally a summary and make some prospects。
Keyword: Students' Comprehensive Quality; factor analysis; Evaluation
1、前言 4
1。1研究背景及意义 4
1。1。1研究背景 4
2、因子分析的方法及模型 5
2。1因子分析的基本思想 5
2。2因子分析的基本理论及模型 5
2。3因子分析的步骤 6
3、因子分析指标的选取 7
5、全文总结 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
附录1 17
附录2 18
附录3 19
因子分析的方法最初是在教育心理学上有应用,它的概念起源于1904年 Karl Pearson 和 Charles Spearman等学者为研究智力的定义和测试方法而提出的。Charles Spearman于1904年还发表了《对智力测验得分进行统计分析》的著名文章,但是由于该方法的计算量非常之大,到20世纪后期经过后来学者的研究逐步形成了因子分析这是因子分析方法的开始。论文网