摘 要:本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法对师范学院排球裁判员培养现状进行调查分析,发现师范学院排球裁判员培养现状较差,学生对排球裁判的兴趣不高,学校师资力量不够强。学生在进行排球裁判培训时心理素质较差,临场掌握不好,学生缺少实践的机会,教学中对排球裁判的培养重视不够,培训制度不够科学合理,学生对排球的规则掌握不够系统等对师范学院排球裁判员培养因素。并提出以下建议:学校领导应为加强排球排球裁判教师的引进,以及对排球裁判教师的技术的培训;在培训裁判专业知识的同时注重锻炼提高学生的心理素质;多开展排球比赛,普及裁判知识加强参加培训学生的临场发挥能力;在平时的课程中应加入裁判知识,使学生对裁判知识普及;学校应多举行排球比赛,多接受更高级比赛的执裁任务,为裁判实践锻炼创造机会。为今后师范学院开展排球裁判的培训提供参考依据。36958
The Survey of Volleyball Referee Training Status Quo in Zhoukou Normal University
Abstract: This text uses the method of documents and materials, questionnaire investigation, interview method, mathematical statistics method of zhoukou normal college volleyball referee training, analyzing the present situation investigation found that zhoukou normal college volleyball referee training status is poorer, students' interest in volleyball referees is not high, the school teachers' strength is not strong. In volleyball referee training students' psychological quality is poorer, facing a master is bad, the students are lack of practice opportunities, the teaching of volleyball referee training is seriously not enough, not enough scientific and reasonable training system, not enough students to master the rules for volleyball system of zhoukou normal college volleyball referee training factors.And put forward the following Suggestions: school leaders should strengthen the volleyball referees teacher's introduction, and in technology training for teachers in the volleyball referees;In training the professional knowledge at the same time pay attention to improve students' psychological quality; In volleyball, popularize knowledge of the referee to strengthen training students' ability in performing;We should join the referee knowledge in the usual courses , causes the students to referee literacy; The school shall hold more volleyball matches, accept more senior games of board cutting task, to create opportunities for the practice. For the future of zhoukou normal college provides reference for volleyball referee training.
Keywords: Zhoukou normal university; Volleyball; The referee training; Status
目 录
摘要 1
前言 3
1.研究对象与方法 3
1.1研究对象 3
1.2研究方法 3
2.结果与分析 4
2.1师范学院排球裁判师资情况 4
2.2师范学院参加排球裁判培养学生的情况 4
2.3师范学院排球裁判培养的方法途径 5
2.4师范学院排球裁判员的执裁情况 5
2.5影响师范学院裁判培养的因素 6
3.结论与建议 7
3.1 结论 7
3.2 建议 7
参考文献 8
附件 9
致谢 11
师范学院排球裁判员培养现状调查 引言
排球运动在我国是一项受大众喜欢的运动,中国的女排在世界上曾经取得骄人的成绩,令国人自豪!但是排球运动不仅仅是运动员的舞台,还有场下默默奉献的裁判员,其也是比赛正常进行不可或缺的重要组成部分。有比赛就有规则,有规则就有裁判。体育裁判员是在运动竞赛的过程中,依据竞赛规程和竞赛规则评定运动员( 队) 成绩胜负和名次的人员!裁判员既是竞赛中的执法人员,又是竞赛进行的组织者和领导者!虽然高校排球相比于大型比赛的意义颇为不同,主要承担着增强学生体质、丰富校园文化、推动学生整体素质提高等任务。但是在高校大学生群体中开展排球运动的同时,也应抓好排球裁判的培养工作,采用科学的培养方法,培养出一批具有一定能力水平的优秀裁判员,为推动高校排球运动的发展和中国排球事业后备人才打下基础。
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