    摘  要:本研究通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,对周口市川汇区健身气功开展现状进行调查分析,结果表明:周口市川汇区健身气功锻炼者中女性人数高于男性人数,其中45岁以上的锻炼者居多,且多为离退休人员,呈现出老年化趋势;锻炼者锻炼年限在2年以上的居多,练习时间安排合理;锻炼者习练健身气功的目的以强身健体、预防疾病为主,以娱乐休闲、修身养性为辅。分析影响健身气功开展的各种相关因素,为能使周口市川汇区健身气功的快速普及与推广,从而提出相应的建议,并为日后周口市健身气功的进一步普及提供科学的参考依据。40347
    The investigation and analysis of the status quo of QiGong exercise in  Chuanhui district, Zhoukou city.
    Abstract:This study through the methods of literature material, interviews, questionnaire survey , mathematical statistics and logical analysis, to investigate and analyze the present situation of the body-building qigong in  Chuanhui district, Zhoukou city, the results show that among qigong exercisers in Chuanhui district, Zhoukou city, the number of women is more than men,and most of the exercisers are over the age of 45, mostly retirees, showing a trend of aging; The majority of exercisers have more than 2 years of exercise history and reasonable arrangement of practice time; their purpose of practice qigong are mainly to build fitness and prevent disease, but in addition they want to have some entertainment and leisure.By analyzing the relevant factors which influenced the body-building qigong, and in order to acquire the rapid popularization and promotion of qigong in  Chuanhui district, Zhoukou city, then puts forward the corresponding suggestion, furthermore, to provide scientific reference basis for the further popularization of qigong  exercise in  Zhoukou city in the future.
    Keywords: Chuanhui district; QiGong exercise; The status quo; Investigation.
    目    录
    摘要    1
    引言    3
    1.研究对象与方法    3
    1.1研究对象    3
    1.2研究方法    3
    2.结果与分析    4
    2.1周口市川汇区健身气功锻炼者的基本情况    4
    2.2周口市川汇区健身气功锻炼者锻炼的现状    5
    2.3周口市川汇区健身气功师资队伍和竞赛的情况    7
    2.4周口市川汇区健身气功锻炼者在锻炼中存在的问题    8
    3.结论与建议    9
    3.1结论    9
    3.2建议    9
    参考文献    11
    附录    12
    致谢    14
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