- 上一篇:高校游泳课程开展现状与对策研究
- 下一篇:ZUBA篮球若干技术指标与队员比赛能力的分析
摘要蛙泳是一种模仿青蛙游泳动作的一种游泳姿势,也是一种最古老的泳姿。蛙泳时,游泳者可以方便观察前方是否有障碍物,避免撞上障碍物。 蛙泳是竞技游泳姿式之一。人体俯卧水面,两臂在胸前对称直臂侧下屈划水,两腿对称屈伸蹬夹水,似青蛙游水。蛙泳较省力,易持久,实用价值大,常用于渔猎、泅渡、救护、水上搬运等,同时,也是游泳初学者的学习项目。比赛项目有男女100米、200米等。43867
Abstract Breaststroke is a kind of a motion to imitate the frog swimming swimming posture, and is also one of the most ancient of strokes. The breaststroke, swimmers can easily observe the front obstacles, to avoid hitting obstacles. The breaststroke is one of the competitive swimming posture. Human body enters the water, two arms in his chest down under symmetrical straight arm stroke, two legs cycled clip symmetric flexion and extension of water, the frog swimming. Breaststroke is energy saving, easy to lasting, practical value, often used for fishing and hunting, swim across, ambulance, water transport, etc., at the same time, also is swimming beginners learning program. Events such as men's and women's 100 meters, 200 meters.
Breaststroke is teaching is one of the most common strokes, but teaching between arm and breathing with are often the most difficult in teaching, this article mainly research how to solve in the process of breaststroke teaching in teaching - arm and cooperate the difficulty in breathing, stroke error action, body sinks and a series of problems. In this article, through the arms and breathe through into the whole teaching process, how to solve this problem quickly and efficiently so as to achieve quick and high quality to learn breaststroke this purpose.
Through swimming lessons for grouping students experimental contrast teaching, analyses the reason of the error action parsing breathing and arm two independent action and application in coordination, reflect the arm and breathing coordination throughout the advantage in the process of teaching, this article focuses on the breaststroke arm with breathing method, put forward the corresponding corrective methods and improvement measures, which has important guiding significance to the teaching of the primary breast stroke.
毕业论文关键词:游泳教学;蛙泳 ;蛙泳臂 ;呼吸 ;
Key words: swimming teaching; Breast stroke. Breaststroke arm; Breathing;
目 录
1.引言 1
2.研究对象和研究方法 1
2.1研究对象 1
2.2研究方法 1
2.2.1专家访谈法 1
2.2.2文献资料法: 1
2.2.3实验法 2
2.2.4数理统计法: 2
3.结果 2