    Summary Hangzhou successful bid to host the 2022 Asian Games, set off a wave of Hangzhou people involved in fitness. In order to meet the national quality and its importance in the international competition, the companies are about sports with the boom booming. Basketball With its unique charm Hangzhou loved young people. Whether in primary schools, secondary schools, universities, or in society in a variety of sports business, there are courses on basketball training. Macro Hangzhou gifted youth basketball training sport as a leader, made by Hangzhou Wang gifted basketball sports training and studied as an example to investigate the status quo of the market, explore the daily training classes during the problems and the details appropriate ways and means to solve and optimize. This study literature, expert interviews, questionnaires, field trips, mathematical statistics and other research methods, from multiple angles Investigation of Present macro Hangzhou gifted basketball courses. Motivation through analysis concluded participants course the main hobbies. Parents support children to participate in basketball training course is mainly motivated to exercise. Youth basketball training market, lack of supervision, smaller training institutions, the object of training mainly to students based, and gender imbalance, improper management of internal training institutions, management is not high degree of specialization, lack of teaching experience coaches teaching method is relatively simple.
    Keywords: Hangzhou; adolescents; basketball training; Status
    目    录

    目  录. 3
    1前言    6
    1.1选题背景    6
    1.2选题的目的与意义    6
    1.3文献综述    7
    1.3.1国外的相关研究现状    7
    1.3.2国内的相关研究现状    7
    2研究对象与方法    8
    2.1研究对象    8
    2.2研究方法    8
    2.2.1文献资料法    8
    2.2.2专家访谈法:    8
    2.2.3问卷调查法:    8    8问卷的发放与回收    8
    2.2.4实地考察法:    9
    2.2.5数理统计法    9
    3研究结果与分析    9
    3.1杭州市青少年篮球培训机构现状    9
    3.1.1青少年篮球培训机构概括    9
    3.1.2青少年篮球培训机构类型分析    9
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